what is the process for the nails falling off, i started another thread but no one has said what the process is.
at the moment all of my nails are very very sore, on my right hand my middle finger and ring finger have turned blue/black and very swollen, they seem to be lifting a bit,
does this sound right, i have been taking anti biotics, but they dont seem to be improving at all, i am in absolute agony, and experiences shared i would be very grateful,
love liz xxx
I am 12 weeks post last chemo now and lost another nail 2 weeks ago (that bring my running total to 4 now!).
Several of my nails lifted off the nail bed (think only 3 of them are what you would call ok). The 3 others nails are holding on for dear life! Still lifted off but as there is new nail growing at the base it is helping them to stay on.
With mine, they cracked along near to the base and gradually over weeks/months lifted off. Very strange though, underneath there was a part of the nail still attached so although they look pretty bad there is still some nail left.
I too had antibiotics, as I had an infection in 3 of the nails (actually the 3 that are holding on!) but the antibiotics did work and cleared up the yucky liquid that was oozing from them …lovely!!! Only thing is it has left them a lovely white colour but this will grow out.
The ‘ok’ nails are also badly marked and one is quite black. Just keeping them painted in a dark colour at the moment to hide up everything!
Eliz.Tracey I would say if there is any liquied coming from underneath and its not very nice, make sure you get another course of antibiotics from the doc. If they are sore this should clear up in time and I don’t think there is a lot you can do.
I would also say just try to be careful with your hands (to make sure the nails stay on), not easy to do. I lost one of mine when making the bed and also scratching my back!
I found throughout chemo my nails were yellow. Then they started to lift and so far I’ve lost 5 finger nails and two toe nails. The first one came off 5 weeks after my last dose of tax. They are really uncomfy because the new nail is only half way up the nail bed so the top of my fingers are really sensitive to anything that they come into contact with. They also look as if there is another nail underneath so I’m expecting the nail I do have to fall off. I also expect the remaining nails to come off in due course. Looks like it’s a long process before I have proper nails again - just hope I do !!!
If yours are going black I’d get them checked out and maybe antibiotics.
didnt really have a problem with nails other than they became brittle, but the skin dried out around the nails and became sore. 9 weeks post chemo and every three weeks as regular as clock work they get sore again and crack, on a bright note that shows me the chemo is still working in my body lol…
It is almost impossible to answer you as everyone is different. I lost all my small toenails but, the big ones just started growing a new one and it took months before the old ones got to the end and I could finally cut it off. I did not lose any finger nails. They just had nasty black marks and hurt a bit. They also had a ridge across which developed after every dose of Tax. It was ages before I could finally cut off the last ridge. They are back to normal now.
I have heard that it is possible to get a viral infection of the nails as well as an infection, for which you have been taking antibiotics. It may be worth having a word with your GP.
I an reading the nail thread with interst. i got advised to paint nails dark, keep them out of sunlight, when having tax to keep them cold, so had ice water an frozen peas, wil it work dont know… also got given antibiotics to take on day 5 of chemo. had first tax today. does anyone loose nails after fec? i had 3 fec and nails have gone very long and very strong, is this normal?
Shar xx
well what a day i have had, went to the chemo ward because basically couldnt stand the pain of my nails any longer,
they did my bloods and it turns out i need a transfusion, tomorrow,
i have been given 5 more injections, to have 1 a day at home,
and to top it all they even took photos of my nails because "we havent seen any as bad as yours liz, is it ok if we use them in the next lot of information literature we put out, and also to show to students!!!
Well apart from all that i am ok, no seriously apart from the fatigue, which touch wood, if i could, lol, i havent been fatigued, i am wondering whether i am still going to suffer with lasting ses for sometime yet, cheers tax,
Hi Liz, oh poor u, poor nails, well u are famous in your chemo but guess not what u want ur claim to fame to be, i am ready for ur se’s to come, and trying to stay positive. good luck with tranfusion thats unreal, are ur injections for immune, i have been given 9 to bring home plus they gave me antibiotics from day 5 onwards for 10 days to fight any infection cos immune will be knocked about, could this save my nails… i really do feel for u, wish i could help, i send u hugs and love and support xxxx
the injections are to help with white blood count, because they also have effect on bone marrow, you can get aches and pains and particularly back ache,
be careful with paracetamol, i was advised against them because they can mask a temperature,
9 injections is a lot, the most i was given was 5,
you need to take it easy now and see what ses are going to kick in, hopefully you wont get any, but be prepared,
be sure and take the antibiotics even if you feel ok, keep posting shar,
Shar, I had antibiotics and antifungals to take for the middle week with each cycle of FEC-T chemo - it’s standard at my hospital and I think it’s such a good idea. It must really cut down on the number of infections.
I was very surprised to find out that not everywhere does that as I’m sure it would save money overall with fewer hospital admissions.
I’ve just taken my final Tax 3 antibiotic tonight so it’s celebration time!
but my nails, well, that is another story, 6 so far affected the middle finger on my right hand and my ring finger right hand in particular are REALLY BAD, very sore and the nail on my ring finger is very raised it looks ready to burst.
i will be going back to hospital on monday if no better, in the meantime i have got anti biotics to take orally and to drop on each nail,
i hope they improve soon they are driving me mad and really getting me down.
normally each nail bed would be drained to ease the pressure, but because i am neutropenic they wouldnt do it.
Hi Liz, good news about the blood transfusion, you should feel the benefit of this immediately!
Sorry to hear though that your nails are still awful, I am still in La La Land trying to convince myself mine will be OK and a guess only time will tell.