how long for results?

Hi All

I went to GP on 11th October and had appointment at ONE STOP CLINIC on 21st October. The appointment was changed from morning to the afternoon and I personally not sure there was time for me really.

Didn’t have the pre examination chat with BCN or Consultant so I could voice my concerns, had a very quick, not very thorough physical exam followed by an even quicker US (not sure how long it should take but she didn’t seem to systematically go over whole breast - maybe they don’t?

I was then told I would get a referral for a mammo, which I had on Wed 3rd nearly 2 weeks later. I asked radiologist about results and she asked if I was going back to clinic, which I wasn’t!, then asked what I had been told which was to have mammo and radiologist would look at it. On pushing her she said if I haven’t heard in 2 weeks then to ring in case I have been forgotten - not very reassuring.

I’m presuming that as it’s 8 days after mammo and I’ve not heard anything it’s probably all OK, but with what’s happened to date I’m not overly confidant about this and was wondering how long it’s taken others to get results, good or bad.

Having been told to wait 2 weeks, I’m holding back from ringing but as it’s now a month since my 1st visit to GP it’s dragging on a bit and I need to know.

The preliminary diagnosis was she THINKS the problem (long, thin indentation on areola) is due weight loss - this being 7lbs lost back in February and this problem didn’t show itself til August.

Hope someone can help


This was my experience
Found a lump, made appt at GP, 2 weeks later saw the doctor at breast clinic and had mammo, US (did seem very brief for mine too) and a needle biopsy, 2 days later went back for initial results. As a result was called in for a core biopsy, and had a much more thorough US exam then. Had to wait 10 days for results, saw the chief man, had lump removed.

Timescale - saw my GP on 20/8/10, operation on 4/10/10.

My advice would be if you are not happy, call them and insist on things being moved along. Even if turns out to be nothing, the stress involved in waiting for all this is enormous.

Good luck xxxx

I know different regions / hospitals vary enormously - I went to a one stop breast clinic. I was examined, mammo, U sound, biopsied and told it was bad news all on same day - left with my operation date I would definitely chase it up - as the previous lady said - the waiting is the absolute worst bit and you have waited long enough! Sending lots of positive vibes for a great outcome for you, take care, Debbie x