How long is a typical chemo regime


Had a full mastectomy and Sentinal node biopsy. This has shown a positive lymph node so I have been told I need to have chemo, then radiotherapy

I know it’s person specific but how long is the regime for chemo?



Hi there
It depends on grade, tumour size , if it’s er /per + or - her 2 -+

Mine was grade 2 idc + high grade DCIS total area 3.2cm with SLNB 1 of 2 with 3mm

Her 2 -

PROSIGNA intermediate risk

So I had TC x 4 cycles - dose dense every 3 weeks

I could have had it as a weekly dose (paclitaxel) x 12 weeks with cyclophosamide every 3 weeks but thought best to do dose dense and go less times into the chemo unit (although a stronger amt given each cycle)

They did originally table EC x 4 + Taxane x 4 but my PROSIGNA allowed me to go with the other regime

If you’re post meno you qualify for ONCO (even with a node +) to help determine which path is best

Sadly not if you’re pre meno which is why I self funded PROSIGNA (my onco said it wasn’t normal protocol but she still referred me and I paid for it)

Good luck x

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I’m on dose dense bi weekly EC for four cycles and then paclitaxel for four cycles - 16 weeks in total. I had stage 2 grade 2 IBC (32mm tumour) with a positive node.

Thank you. I am pre meno

What would be the benefit of privately funding the prosigna?

I just want everything to be done as quickly as possible x

My pathology & predict had me in the grey area for chemo so it helped me understand my diagnosis more and really laid out the benefit of Hormone & chemo

And it meant I could steer to TC (or Pax) vs EC + Pax

I was denied Onco so thought this was the 2nd best thing

I received what I believed to be ‘routine’ chemo tho it was 7 and a half years ago.
I had 6 administrations 3 weeks apart. It was called FEC-T and comprised 3 administrations of FEC = flururocil, epirubicin and cyclophosphamide one after the other eith a ‘wash’ inbetween each chemical - followed by 3 administrations of docetaxol (T). This followed surgery consisting of mx, SLNB & ALND or full node clearance. I was ILC, some dcis I think, 3 tumours totalling 8cm. Her2 - and e +.


I have stage 2 ER + Her 2 - grade 3 invasive lobular breast cancer.

I am on 4 cycles of EC every 3 weeks then 12 cycles of paclitaxel every week. Works out approx 6 months of treatment.

My oncotype, age (45), size and grade of tumor all factored in to the chemotherapy treatment plan.

Good luck with your next stage of treatment :pray:t2:

I’m on 3 EC and 3 docetaxel, 3 weekly intervals. 18 weeks in total. My cancer is grade 2, IDC and some ILC/DCIS, hr+, her2-, 2 positive lymph nodes. All this was removed in 3 operations, but another area of grade 2 IDC was ‘forgotten’ and I’m having a masectomy after chemo, then radio. Good luck with your cheno xxx

My regime is the same as SharLou, bi-weekly EC x4 then bi-weekly Paxlitaxel x4.

I had multi-focal cancer with the largest being 70mm. Stage 3, grade 3, extensive high grade DCIS, 2x lymph nodes involved (so had an axillary node clearance), LVI and extensive extracapsular spread - one very unhappy boob!
I was also ER8, PR6 and HER-

I’m premenopausal so they are still deciding which hormone therapy I’ll be put on once I’ve had radiotherapy.

I am also pre meno (45)
I’ve had 12 x placitaxel and about to have 4 x EC so 19 weeks duration in total.
Mine was grade 3 22mm IDC with one node (macro) so needed chemo.
I didn’t have the onco test either due to being pre meno but because mine was grade 3 they throw everything at it anyway (and I’d rather do as much as possible before the next phase of treatment.
I will also have radio, zoladex, hormone therapy and ace inhibitor and Abemaciclib due to the grade 3. (Phew) :see_no_evil: .


Hi Tracy, hope you don’t mind me asking. Did you cold cap and did it work? I think I will have the same… :smiling_face_with_tear:

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I am also pre menopausal (42). I had stage 3 hormone sensitive IDC. I had 4 x EC three weekly and now having 12 weeks of paclitaxol. Currently done cycle 9.

Sorry, I don’t come on here very often but just seen another post from you…
I didn’t cold cap no. Are you planning to? Xx

Yes if I can! :persevere:

It can be 6 months.its a long drawn out thing as after each cycle you have to wait another three weeks for your next one.