How long to return to work after a mastectomy?

I’m due to have a mastectomy in June, having one final chemo this week. I’m having an implant so smaller op from full reconstruction, I’m just wondering how long before I can go back to work? Anyone have any experiences of going back after a month or so?
Thank you Emma

I went back after 8 weeks - that was after Ld flap and small implant and all the skin removed from my breast. I suppose it all depends on how strenuous your job is, and whether you have to drive far, or lift things. It was hard to drive at first - closing car door etc, as my surgery was on the Right side, people say it is easier if it is on the left. Sounds as if your op is simpler  than mine was, so 6 weeks may be do-able or maybe a phased return?  You may also feel tired with the after effects of the chemo too

. Hope all goes well

K M x

Hi, I had mx and recon with implant on left side and was back at work after 5 weeks. Driving was the hardest with the handbreak being the worst just used my right hand once stationery. Do what you feel comfortable with, I went back because of finances and would have liked to be in the position that this didn’t matter…but circumstances dictate sometimes…take care and try and put yourself first if possible xx