How many Herceptins?

How many Herceptins?

How many Herceptins? Apologies if this is a subject that has been covered before - I’ve had a quick look for old threads but can’t see anything obvious.

Is it standard to have 17 or 18 Herceptin sessions? I’m sure I’ve heard both mentioned. I’m sure that one of the oncs told us it would be 17 - but Juliet (my partner) has just been for that one and we were told still one to go. Not the end of the world either way but, since we are still paying for the treatment, would be nice if we could discuss the posibility of dropping last one with the doctors. Of course, if it is clinically important to have 18 then we’ll go for it. If it is just local practice we might argue it a bit more…

We’ve also been told that she’ll need at least two more echo tests. The doctor who had done previous tests had said she wouldn’t need any more as heart fine at 3 quarters of way through treatment…has anyone else had same thing happen? Not trying to get out of things - it is just that all the costs add up. Think we are probably also going to have to pay to have J’s portacath removed as she had to pay to have it put in!

Still glad to have had the opportunity to have Herceptin though!

Best wishes,


17 Herceptins I’m not nearly as far through my herceptin as Juliet, but the oncologist told me on Thursday that it is 17 doses, definitely and this was confirmed by the sister on the ward where I have the infusions.
I have to have echo scans every 3 months, partly because my heart function is a bit low, although it has remained unchanged through the herceptin treatment ( I am only up to 6, number 7 on Monday). I am in the fortunate position of just fitting in after the NICE permit came through so at least do not have to pay for the treatment. Good luck to Juliet.
Love from Linda

Thanks Linda I am very interested to hear this. I did look at the NICE recommendations over the weekend and that stated 18 (1 loading dose and 17 maintenance) - so I’d given up taking it further. What you are saying does make it look like there might be local variations.

Good luck with the rest of the treatment!

