Hi how many of you still work ? How many hours are you doing ? I’m hoping to get back after chemo if anything its got to make you feel normal instead of sitting thinking about this 24/7
Hi Julzd,
I work full time at the moment but I am on oral chemotherapy (xeloda) After my primary diagnosis 9 years ago I was able to work all the way through my Epirubicin and Taxol chemos with only a day or two off each cycle. Work helps me hugely it gets me out of the house and keeps me engaged with the world. However, it is important not to try to push yourself too hard. When I start IV chemo again this time I reckon I will go part time as I am frailer than I was 9 years ago as I now have mets all over my spine and pelvis. Best wishes xxx
Glad to see your both working I’m on docetaxcol at the min I think il have to wait until it’s finished some days I feel great then it hits me no three weeks are the same lol x x
I still work part time even though I am on weekly Taxol - my employer is really supportive and I am able to work from home on days that I am too tired to commute.
As I said to my boss - my body may be going wrong but there is nothing wrong with my brain! I find that keeping as much of life as normal keeps me going and means I focus less on cancer.
I did manage 2 years with mets before I had to tell my work that I was unwell - that was pure escapism from cancer!
I also work in a school 4 days a week. Diagnosed 3 1/2 yrs ago 6mths before my 40th birthday and mets diagnosed Jan15.
I enjoy my job and they have been very supportive. Had 6mths off initially when undergoing treatment and a further 6 wks off last jan for surgery.
I totally agree that there is no point sitting and dwelling on it, life must go on as normal for me and my family and I don’t feel ill and keeping busy is certainly good therapy :heart:’
Glad to see you all still working I feel I need to get back I also feel isolated being off. X x