How many of your lymph nodes were infected?

hi jan - sent you a pm…mary x

Glad I found this post, as I was about to ask a very similar question myself.

I had a left masectomy and 7 lymphs were removed, 6 out of the 7 had cancer in.

I had a bone scan and ct scan in dec before my op in jan. my oncologist is going to do another ct scan before I start chemo in march sometime.


Hi Lisa,
When I was first told about my lymph nodes I got in a real panic about it, but was told we have removed all your nodes(32) and 24 infected and removed your breast with the lump. You have to say to yourself that it is gone and now to get on with your treatment.
I also have had a bone scan and CT scan, my bone scan was satisfactory, but no news on the CT scan yet. I also have to have a CT scan of my head, and a echogram done. I am due to start chemo on 23rd of this month.
Hope to be able to chat to you some more soon.
