How much do they Zap?

I am going for my measuring next Tuesday. I am lucky enough to still have my breast. The lump was removed about 1" above my nipple. Just wondered how much area is treated ,is it the whole breast? Also do they cover your nipple as this must be very sensitive.

Thanks girls

Norma x

Hi Norma,

With me, it was the whole breast and under the arm. No, nipple not covered but I did not suffer any problems in that area. You will be given clear instructions about what to do and what not to do. I found it all so much easier than chemo. The area zapped became red during treatment and then turned brown - like a deep tan. You will find it all very straightforward - I hope.

Margaret x

Hi Margaret

Just left you in chit-chat hey. Thanks so much for the info have a better idea what to expect now. Well onwards and upwards then ( hopefully).

Take car

Norma x

Hi Norma,

Just read your response re BC in ancient times!

You will be fine. I was; I really found going to the dentist a worse prospect than rads! Each treatment lasts just minutes, most time is spent getting you in the right position. I’d lie looking at the ceiling and think of pleasant thoughts and soon it was over for another day.

Margaret x

Hi Margaret,

Have you finished all your treatments now- how are you doing?

Norma x

Hi Norma,

Last rads were between last Xmas and New Year which disrupted holiday plans but I didn’t mind.

Am now on Letrozole for 5 years and no complaints at all.

I feel absolutely fine and soon you will join me.

Margaret x

Hi Margaret,

Glad you are well on the way. I am now in positive mode and set for the day!

Norma x

Hi Norma

I had my first session today. The worst bit was the travelling and sitting in the waiting room. As others have said, it takes longer to get you in the right position than the actual treatment, which took 4 minutes. Overall, I was in the room for about 10 minutes. I was told to put plenty of cream on, as my skin will be quite dry as I have just come back from holiday and have a tan. I wish someone had told me before and I would have kept that bit covered up!


Hi Girls

Did I read somweher that they x-ray your chest as they can only zap a certain percentage of your lung area- or was I dreaming?


Hi Norma

The following link will take you to our factsheet about radiotherapy which may answer some of your queries about this treatment:

Best wishes
Breast Cancer Care

Hi Moderator

Thanks for the link but I can never open these up.


I’ve just had my first rad treatment this morning -no problems whatsoever

I was told that they are only allowed to capture 2 sq cm of the lung - thats whay the lining up of the body is so important and why it takes so long on the first visit. Yes they take x rays and they showed me everything when they completed their measuring up session

Good on 'ya Kelyn!!

I can’t believe you’re on rads now, my how the time has flown!! I will be joining you v.soon, hurrah!! Got my final day 1 CMF on weds and the final day 8 on weds 10th (bloods permitting of course!). My rads planning session is the following week, I’m really nervous, although goodness knows why!!

Hope the rest of your rads go well,

Take care,


Hi Girls

Yes me too am really nervous after feeling so brave, my measuring up tomorrow and then start treatment whenever, but am feeling squidgy inside now.

Good for you Kelly- nearly there, and Kelyn you must feel relieved you have the 1st one over.

Hope to join you soon.


Hi Kelyn,
good to hear you got on OK. My first one is tomorrow.
best wishes

Hi Girls,

Just got back from Mount Vernon for my measuring up. Slow journey there 8.30. the dreaded M25 but hey got there in the end. Have my tatoos now and treatment starts on the 15th. Phew don’t know why I felt so nervous this morning!

Hope you all O.K.

Norma X