How much does it cost??

I beg your pardon,Sue…my aplogies…is it wales that is free?? I always get things wrong!! :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

To RMW26,
I just think you should have chosen your words a bit more carefully.

We have been asked to close this thread, however, we do not want to do this as we feel it is of value.
Please stop personal criticisms of each other whether in the public forum or in private messages as this is causing unnecessary upset.

Kind regards

It seems different health authorities (or possibly surgeries?) have different policies about how much they’ll prescribe at a time.
My doc gives me 3 months thyroxine and arimidex. A friend in Reading with glaucoma can only get 1 month supply at a time - and her glaucoma isn’t going to go away suddenly. I did read somewhere that it’s to stop the cost of long runs of medications that get thrown away when people don’t complete the course - but that sounds stupidly rigid for these type of drugs.

And sadly my doc hasn’t yet got to email or online repeat prescriptions - roll on!


Hi Irene.

I hope you are getting your prescriptions free, as epilepsy is one of the few (like thyroid) conditions which qualifies.


Just a thought will we have just our Arimidex or Tamoxifen free or will it cover other drugs as well like my Chlonidine to help with the flushes and sweats. I have about 10 items on prescription will they all be covered or just the Arimidex.

If it is only Arimidex then i might as well stay with my pre paid prescription form.

Best wishes