How much exercvise can I take?

I found the lump 1/10/07, and was diagnosed with cancer in the breast and lymph nodes on 12/10/07. Since then have had CT and Bone scans, next Wednesday i discover what treatment i will have. Bit of a rollercoaster.

Treatment looks dreadful, emasculating, painful, and worse is the possible weight gain.

I have cancelled my membership at the gym, stopped doing yoga, stopped swimming and just walk a lot. I have always been very active but worry that too much exercise would send the evil cells careering round the rest of my lymph glands. Maybe it wont. I just don’t know, and don’t want to take the risk.

I am single with two children, aged 9 and 13 years. After 17 years in a dreadful marriage I have enjoyed four years of freedom, and flirting, and boyfriends. I feel cheated that before I have had a chance at finding a really good relationship, my age and now my physical appearance will provide more obstacles. As a single Mum, my appearance is a major selling point in the relationship market, and now my value is going to be eroded. Sorry folks, but that’s how it seems to work out here in singles land. Please let me know how to keep supple, and firm, I am used to doing 90 sit ups a night! Fear and lack of energy have stopped me, but should I keep going, would it do more good than harm to exercise? Or is walking enough to maintain strength?

Please bare in mind, that I have not much idea about the next stage of treatment, except that there is fatigue, and my daughter is the expert on that, as she had chronic fatigue for a year.

Thats what keeps us positive, we fought that together, and stayed positive, and we will fight this.

Still doesn’t seem fair, but hey, life isn’t is it?

Hope someone can advise.

Hi jmarsha7

Welcome to the forums where I am sure you will get lots of help and support from the many informed users of this site. Below I have put links to just a couple of our publications that you might find helpful. You can either download these directly or order a copy to be posted out to you. All our publications and services are free of charge.

If you feel you need to speak to someone in confidence do call the helpline the staff here are all either breast care nurses or people who have personal experience of breast cancer issues. The number to call is 0808 800 6000 the lines being open Monday to Friday 9am - 5pm and Saturdays 9am - 2pm.

I hope this is of some help to you.

Kind regards,
Katie, Moderator

hi Jmarsha
so sorry you’ve had to join our gang, but welcome. and hugs.
I am not sure on the exercise front but would suggest you ask your Breast Cancer Nurse or surgeon. I feel that your body, having been so well exercised will probably help you get through this. Side effects such as weight gain/ loss etc do not happen to everyone, so try not to assume they will. Whatever happens, it will be about a year to get through all the treatment - then you can lose/ gain weight, restyle your hair etc. Another lady on here has just recently done a walk for charity - another has modeled clothes - all is not lost. It just seems so bleak at first. But you will get through this.
There are also many single mothers like you, recovering from BC and starting to date again - I am sure they can give you reassurance. I’m single again too, but quite content not to have a man in my life, so not much help there!
What i can say though is that you’ll get buckets of support on here, they are a great crowd. All the best for wednesday, once you know where you are and where you are heading it helps.
sending you hugs

thanks for that Ruth, its great to know there are people out there. It is difficult to talk about it, after all its pretty boring as a subject of conversation!

AFter four weeks I feel that I am perhaps getting the hang of a new perspective on life. Like you say, will know better after tomorow when i discover exactly whats what, and when things will start to happen. Keeping it all inside makes one a grumpy old woman, the kids are handling it brilliantly,k they are so positive, and so full of love. I have lost loved ones in the past, and the things I feel are almost like grieving, only not as bad(yet).

I woul also like to say “hello” to anyone going through the same thing in Sheffield.


Hi everyone

Well this sure is a club none of us wanted to join eh!!! I wish all of you the very best xxxx
I just got diagnosed today, the mammogram showed up calcification so they have today done that nasty nasty needle in the breast and armpit and then I got told that I have the dreaded C. So they have done biopsy I think it was, got a local anaesthetic and then a punch kind of thing he used to take bits out. So they tell me I have to have a masectomy and will get more results on Bonfire Day but no matter what the results I have to have my boob off and I can’t quite take it in really. My bloke is half way across the world not back for a week and I feel I am betraying him as I just can’t tell him on the phone or email. luvnstuff xx

hi jmarsha
thinking of you and wishing you well for today.
x x x

Hi curlyvat,
sorry to hear you’ve had to join us too. I don’t think you’re betraying your other half by not telling him yet - phone calls and emails just aren’t enough. He will be home well before your surgery, so you can tell him then. I think you’re doing what’s right for you both. Will he be back for the next results?
Take care
x x x

Hi jmarsha,

Sorry to hear how low you are at the moment. Keeping in touch with people on this site is a great support - people have been there and know exactly how you feel.You need never feel alone.

I’m pretty sure that stopping all your exercise is the quickest way to develop a deep depression - if your body is used to so much activity a sudden withdrawal will result in an absence of all those good endorphins and adrenalin that your body has become used to. Then when you begin to notice their absence you’ll get even more depressed thinking of what you used to be!!!

It’s a vicious circle. Do as much or as little as you feel able - but do it!

I’m also pretty confident that the best way to beat this b****y disease is to be in the best possible health. We more sedentary types are encouraged to up our exercise regime - and it’s hard!!!

Go for the burn girl and beat the b****y thing!

Good Luck
Maddy xxxxxx

Hi jmarsha7,

I have exercised all the way through my treatment. I had to stop swimming during chemo, but have just made it back into the pool now that is finished. I have run all the way through (apart from three weeks after the mastectomy). All the research shows that exercise reduces the risk of recurrence, and there is some evidence to suggest that strenuous exercise is even better. Each time I have gone out for a run after treatment (sugery or chemo) I have always come back in feeling better. I have been fit enough to work all the way through, apart from two or three days off with each cycle of chemo, and everyone has been amazed at how well I have been.

Please don’t give up the exercise!


thanks to everyone for your support. Regarding the biopsies, I am a trained hypnotherapist and used hypnosis during the procedures, (biopsy in the breast and underarm with several samples being taken). I suffered slight after soreness, and just one coin sized bruise on my breast, everywhere else being clear except for the tiny puncture marks. I would highly recommend to anyone who feels anxiety before procedures to see whether learning self-hypnosis and relaxation can be of help to you, I strongly believe that it will.

I have reduced my exercise since before the cancer was discovered, as i had less energy, and I think somehow my body knew that it was ill. Doing without the gym seems no great loss, and now my daughter has become my great companion and keeps asking to go on walks with me. Being close to nature in the open air, away from possible germs and harmful pollutants, in the company of close ones is a true medicine for body and soul.

Good luck to everybody, I am at the cancer research centre tomorrow, expect to start treatment later in the week, so am rushing about getting the kids sorted out for school in case I need to rest.
