how much to avoid people

Hi guys

I work from home and the crew I work with meet up every few months and last week was one of those meets. They’ve been really good with my dx and let me work how and when suits me.

I haven’t seen my onc yet but have been told that I will probably be offered chemo, 3 x FEC followed by 3 x Taxotere and from what I’ve read I know it’s knocks the immune system pretty hard and as such have decided to try and build myself up now with manuka and good diet etc but I told my crew that I won’t be able to see them during the chemo.

I was wondering if you’re put on 2 different courses is there usually a break between them.

And how much difference does it make avoiding people. Obviously if anyones got a cold I won’t go near them and I’ll set my dog on them if they try to come in (not really but might threated to :wink:

But if I’m coping OK towards the end of the FEC and they’re all healthy would it be a bad idea to see them.

I’m expecting my OH would be sick of me by then and I’d like to see my team as the last few days have been really productive and a great distraction for my BC, I actually felt like the old me and am now feeling sad that reality was lurking :frowning:

Lots of love


I had 4xFEC,4xTaxol and carried on more or less as usual - shopping in town, pub for a pint.odd family get together - even travelled to West Cork in-between most chemos to chill out with my son and his young family who live there.I certainly didn’t wrap myself up in cotton wool! I did catch a bit of a cold when in Ireland but I kept an eye on my temperature and it didn’t cause me any problems.Maybe I was lucky but carrying on as normal was my way of getting through chemo and it sure worked for me! By the way I swear by manuka as well - great stuff!.. Good luck with the chemo!

Love Josie x

Hi angie

The chemo will continue one straight after the other. I had 3x fec and 3x tax with 3 weeks between each from 31st Dec and my last one is 15 april - WOO HOO

I didn’t have to avoid people per se, but friends who where ill avoided me. My sister had a cold and she stayed clear when she was sick and one guy at work got glandular fever and I’ve given him a wide berth.

My boyf got a cold and I never caught it, I took echinicea throughout, dunno if it helped.

Good luck love ang

Hi Angie,
Most people’s treatment is on a cycle of, say, three weeks, and there are variations within that three weeks in your blood count and resistance to infection. I’m already forgetting, but I think the worst time was 7-10 days after treatment. You could time a meet up for the first or third week instead (third week you’re likely to feel at your best if you have side-effects).
I was forbidden from going to work (I work with children and visit schools), and I avoided the local not-very-clean school swimming pool if I knew my count was particularly low. Apart from that, with 3 children of my own, I reckoned they would bring me any infection going, so only avoided people who were obviously ill. I had real problems repeatedly with my blood count, but miraculously never got an infection. I was scrupulous about handwashing when I’d been out in public anywhere, as most bugs are passed on by hand from handrails, doorknobs etc.
All the best for your treatment

I’m on Epi-CMF and my understanding is the lowest point resistance-wise is 7-14 days after treatment. I’d have thought that would be the time to avoid contact with bugs as far as possible, but after that you should be reasonably ok? Probably best to check with the onc staff though as they know your history and general health status. How lucky you are to be able to work from home, it sounds like the best of all worlds but getting some adult contact away from home is important too, I hope you can keep up your current routine as it sounds so productive! All the best, Lyn x

I think it’s really very hard to avoid all contact with people, and probably pretty bad for your mental health to

I have to little children (2 & 8 months) who are constantly full of snot & coughing, if I avoided them I need full time childcare!

I’ve just been to a big family wedding (9 days after Tax), and travel by publuc transport as I don’t drive,

Live does need to go on I think


Some of that ‘no water’ anti-bacterial hand gel is good to carry round with you, -about £1.50 from chemists, supermarkets etc. I find myself glaring at sneezers and snufflers when i’m out and about! All the best xx

Thanks for your advice everyone.

I’ve decided that I won’t hide completely but will keep the antibac gel at hand. My Fiance and I have decided that we’re going to get a campervan so we can go exploring in a little luxury (and I do mean little) so I don’t have to hide away completely but don’t have to be exposed to people with the evil common cold virus :wink:

Hi Angie,

I avoided anyone I knew had a cold, cough etc but other than that I tried to carry on pretty much as normal. I did have an antibacterial handwash in my handbag, took a multi vitamin with immune booster every day and used a Vicks nasal squirty thing (supposed to help prevent colds) if I travelled on crowded train or bus. I think it’s good to feel you’ve taken reasonable measures to protect yourself from infections but at the same time not wanting to feel like you can’t get out and do normal stuff.

Hope your treatment goes well,

Love Louisa xxx

Hi Angie

I carried on as normal and all seemed well. Just didn’t want the clearly infected around me but otherwise no problem. Landed back in hospital once during FEC but have no idea why I had the temperature and think the bloods would have been low anyway at that point in the chemo cycle, so bad luck really. Just be as normal as you can and keep going. Can’t let this thing rule your life!

Love and strength
