yeah I think you might be onto summit there … if you have had chemo try nodding so much your wig/scarf whatever slips as well … I would say bald and tears would deffo get u summit
look on the bright side - we might get a free tissue anyway! love FB xx
definitely. i think cry like the woman in “Brief Encounter”, dignity hiding heartbreak. It always works for me when I need to get my car fixed. Mind you that’s with hair! I am quite looking forward to wigs now. I’ve never liked my hairstyle, well only about 5 times in my life when it’s been blowdried. And I’m sick of dyeing the grey out.
I didn’t feel like paying off a student loan (I’m 50 - sad, isn’t it) for the duration of reduced-pay sick-leave and couldn’t quite summon up a good weep (that’s for the car coming home from chemo as I slobber over an ice lolly) - but did a great line in yawns and grumpy slumps. And cancer references, of course. Oh yes, & I might be dead before I get around to paying it off. Belly laugh, that one. No problem - 8 months payment-free, no interest. I should have wept - they might have wiped it altogether.