How not to cry in public

Not that I am saying it is bad to cry in public but in the paper yesterday it gave a tip for not crying in public.

It said, if you feel you are going to cry and you don’t want to, just rub your tongue against the roof of your mouth.
I have been ok and not be able to try it yet, so can anyone tell me if it works.

If it does it’s a marvellous tool for the bag.

That’s handy to know! I saw a thing on Tv where you had to pinch your upper lip between your thumb and index finger,which looks a bit odd, I hope your way works as it is much more discreet. I often get teary towards the end of the day when I am tired (usually on the train home from work) so will try this!

I am sure I will have chance to try it myself before the week is out, but I will value your research. If it doesn’t I will try the pinching, but it sounds as that would make me cry even if I felt Ok!

Can anyone else test this for me?

I feel like I am the most emotional person in the world so I will definately be trying it out


Hi Topper
I’m feeling very tearful this week. Tomorrow I’m getting my car MOT so I suspect that I will be able to test this theory for you.


It doesn’t work if you are really bawling. I read a really poignant/ touching/ sad book and bawled and it didn’t work at all.

It wouldnt work for me I just carry round a great big pack of tissues. I hate sympathy thats what sets me off

hi Topper

Results of rubbing tongue on roof of mouth test:

When the urge to cry came frantically rubbed and rubbed roof of mouth. Most uncomfortable, was worried dentures would full out. Felt very silly as already a spectacle to behold with bald head etc. But was successful.
However this did not stop tears from pouring down my face.
Now came the need to blub. This is difficult when the tongue is twisted up. The tongue had to be put down once the blubbing started in earnest and a sort of strangled wheeze was uttered. At this point the urge to choke was very apparent so started to gasp and cough and cry.

Conclusion: should one feel that ladylike tears are going to flow then this method is excellent.
if you sense that its a full blown banshee howl DO NO USE. Makes a bad situation…horribly embarassing.

and what’s more no sympathy vote, my car still didn’t pass its MOT.


Hi margaret - I laughed out loud!!! sorry you had a cr*p day - love FB xxx

What an image you conjure up Margaret, as Fizbix says sory the day was not good for you, but THANK YOU so much for putiing a smile on my face

Magsi x

Oh Margaret!!!
Wonderfully written.
I cried laughing and you certainly can’t rub your tongue on the roof of your mouth then. I just wiped away the tears and read it again.
Thanks for your research, If you can produce contributions like that, I think we need to think of another research project!!!


I find it difficult to cry when my mouth is full!

I find crying theapeutic plus ranting and raving and screaming as I go along in the car on the motorway.

It’s a lot less work than sticking your tongue up onto the roof of your mouth which requires skill and tongue dexterity


I occasionally have a bit of a rant (not necessarily cancer-related) while belting up the M11 on my motorbike. GERONIMO!!! etc.

It may therapeutically shift a load of angst, but you get flies stuck in your teeth.

L x

hey who cares if you cry in public anyway? go for the sympathy vote. My OH had a seizure in Next once and they gave him his jeans free.

I am taking notes and will put all into practice!!

Rosemary you made me laugh, not that its funny your hubbie had a seizure but to get free jeans…lol

I turned on the waterworks in Marks when i was buying mastectomy bras and managed a freebie so sometimes tears can be good.

Anyway seriously it does not matter if you feel like a good cry, the silliest things still start me off, like I will see a little baby with its mother and i go, i suppose its because before all this started we were planning another child.

Let it out and to hoot what people think.

If I’m in a bad mood I tend to do the ironing - gets a good going over and takes the temper out of me … apart from the day when I dropped the iron from the ironing board onto the carpet, now that just put the tin lid on things so I resorted to swearing, banging doors and muttering under my breath… even tho I was home alone!

I am thinking of buying a newer car very soon. Want a more reliable one for my journeys back and forth to the hospital and if I can’t treat myself when can I!!

Any tips for getting a great discount? Shall I try the crying (as just about anything could make me cry at the mo), do you think it may work??