I was diagnosed in April, have been through a round of chemotherapy (mostly successful), which I finished on the 8th August. According to the oncologist, surgery is done six weeks after the last dose of chemotherapy.
However, I haven’t heard from the breast surgeon (who did the diagnosis) since I got the diagnosis in April. I’ve only seen the oncologist. I don’t have any idea of what surgery they might do, whether they will be able to reconstruct it if they need to remove a lot, or anything like that. There was some doubt when it was diagnosed over whether they would be able to reconstruct (though the tumour has almost disappeared, so I’m hoping this isn’t a problem).
Is it normal to have so little contact with the breast consultant? The nurses phone occasionally, but I thought there would be a bit more contact. In theory, they ought to be operating in about a fortnight, but if they’re intending to do this they’re leaving things very late.
I was actually hoping to change surgeon because of multiple problems with this one - he misdiagnosed the tumour as a cyst back in November, he leans on me when he examines me, he looks at my partner and not at me when he speaks, and he delivered the diagnosis as if he was reading a bus timetable. But I’m worried that there won’t be time to sort things out if they leave it all too late.
Thank you in advance (and to the kind people who replied to my last post - the conversation was locked before I managed to get back to say thank you).