How often does a new primary with a different biology occur?

Hi all,

I met a lovely lady recently, who was telling me she has had a new primary bc, opposite breast, 14 years after original diagnosis. 

What really struck me as (I thought) unusual was that it was the opposite to her first dx, in that this time it’s HER2+ ER- 

Is this something that happens a lot? 

Sorry if it’s a daft question, I just didn’t realise that happened. 

Hi Posden

I was diagnosed with a new bc 2 years after original diagnosis and a completely different type of cancer. 

Previously it was a Grade 2 ER+ requiring surgery, rads and tamoxifen. 2019 I was diagnosed with a new primary bc in the other breast which was ER- but HER2 positive so needs surgery, chemo and rads! 

Couldn’t believe that my body could produce 2 different bc’s. 

That said, my second primary was picked up by my annual surveillance mammogram thank goodness as I had no symptoms of the Grade 3 3.4 cm rumour that was growing! 

So having chemo now but very grateful the cancer was found and is treatable.

Take care x