How quickly can cancer return?

Hi there. I’m new to this site although been livingj with bc since may 2010. I was diagnosed with bc last year and had lumpectomy and lymph nodes removed followed by chemotherapy and radiotherapy. I find it hard to accept that it is over although had a pet scan and mammo just 3 months ago which were clear. I’m sitting on settee recovering from a laparoscopy to remove cysts in ovaries as a result of taking tamoxifen. Consultant assures me nothing untoward down there but wait for results. Meanwhile I have convinced myself i have a lump in my ‘good’ breast. Althogh it is hard to tell as I cannot refer to my affected breast as this is still swollen and sore even after 18 months (is that right?) anyway I’m not sure what to do. Am I being paranoid? Can you get a lump occur so quickly afterva mammo? My breast consultant already thinks I’ve lost the plot so I’m a bit embarrassed to see him again. thanks for your help. Do u often feel there is noone to turn to and alone? Also does anyone know what will happen if I get recurring cysts? Will they stop the tamoxifen? Thanks to u all x

Hi Gillybean
As a bit of a pre-BC hypochondriac this is one of the things I have to deal with. However, I do think the suspicion of something, imagined or real, is worse than the actual diagnosed.

I made a contract with myself early on in my BC ‘journey’ that I will NOT sit fretting about any symptoms, real or imagined, and I will not worry about what the doctors think about me, because I’d rather I annoyed them than end up wishing I had and left it too late because of that worry. I accept that overawareness is just part of the package I’ve been handed.

I had 2 quite big WLE’s with a lot of scarring on each side - almost a year since diagnosis and its till quite lumpy and hard. Then last month I felt something just a bit different, and was right on to BC nurse and got appointment with surgeon. Like you, I felt a little bit concerned I was being overly anxious, but then when surgeon said yes he felt a ‘lump’ I was sure I’d made the right decision. Fortunately it was a fluid filled cyst.

I don;t think anyone on here will tell you different. Just give yourself the right to be paranoid - its not really paranoid, its normal. I’ve read here that a lot of folk get cysts after surgery, mine was 7 months after and I think I may still have more. If it is a definite lump it will very likely be a cyst so soon after mammogram, but even then, its best to get checked and aspirated if necessary. I can’t say for sure, but I don;t think they’d stop the tamoxifen for that reason.

Have you got a good BC nurse - I think that’s their role, to answer all those questions we feel a bit stupid about asking. But like all health care professionals, there are some better than others.

Just feel justified in your concerns. That works for me!! Don’t care what they think. And there’s always here for all those stupid questions too. Fab place for stupid questions I’ve found.

you are not paranoid just vigilant :)It is absolutely normal to feel like this for many years post dx.sadly yes it can return very quickly but it is highly unlikely in your case given all the scans etc you have just had.I am 5 years post dx and the affected breast still feels different from the other one and every mammo is a cause for anxiety.
The only way to put your mind at rest is to see the professinals every time you are concerned.No bcn or doc would think you had ‘lost the plot’ I am sure.Ring someone tomorrow.

hello , your getting yourself worked up aint ya ?.. you have been through the mill… your low … your stressed … and your worrying… and thats so understandable … its pants that you have developed cysts and yes you may have to come off tamoxifen because of this… but there are lots of other medications they can give you that do the same job as tamoxifen…if your concerned about your other breast it needs to be looked at…ring your breast unit tomorrow… it will put your mind at rest …
it could quite well be your mind playing those vile tricks on you and because your still reeling from the initial diagnosis your volnerable but get it looked at anyway …my surgery and rads was 15 months ago , and im not swollen but i am still some days really tender but ask about it at the breast appointment your going to make …!
yes some days i feel like im the most lonely person on the earth, im scared and im worried just as you are… i think these feelings have a lot to do with the rollercoaster we have been on, life changes … and i believe we are never the same person we once were … there is always the fear in the back of our minds, but we are lucky … compared to a lot of others… dont feel embarrased to make the appointment … we all loose the plot from time to time… and any surgeon worth their salt will know this … your not paranoid … your a woman who has been battered both physically and mentally… but we are not alone …in the mean time… i recommend taking a few BIG breaths… a cup of tea with biscuits… and a big cyber hug xxx angie

Thanks for your lovely encouraging replies. What brilliant women you all are. I’m gonna make that call tomorrow and take it from there. I am beating myself up here for most likely nothing. I am tired, just having another doesn’t help, but also have 3 small boys to run after and I mean run, little rascals they are. I need to find a bit more positivity. Thanks again. I’ll keep u posted. X x


I’m 3 and half years out from dx. In the early days (a couple of years) I, too, was aware of every ache, pain and lump. When a hard lump appeared in my breast, virtually overnight, I got myself into a bit of a state. After a biopsy it was shown to be a cyst which appeared below the scar tissue. Also had a problem with my liver, which was also a cyst.

The worry never stops!! But here I am enjoying life again and have managed to put the worries in a box in the back of my mind. Whether that’s due to the time that’s passed, or that I’ve just grown to live with the worry, I don’t know, but I’m much happier now. Perhaps I’ve just learned that worry is a pointless exercise.

You’ll get there too.

Hi. Some good news. Consultant could feel lump (so I wasn’t imagining it!) but said it was fine he knew I wouldn’t be happy unless it was scanned so I’m pleased ton say ultrasound confirmed it was fine. Apparently the tamoxifen shrinks the breast tissue hence I can now feel more than I used to!! Oh well small price to pay. I actually feel really good now and am going ton use this to move forward and get on with things. Thanks again for all your support. I wish you all the very best. Gill x x