How soon after chemo and op do you start tamoxifen?

Hi i have had chemo and op to remove lump, surgeon has mentioned tamoxifen but has not said when it will be given, i am also due to have radiotherapy soon, waiting to hear.Maybe it will be given after rads???

Having rads in Cheltenham , anyone else had treatment in Worcester or rads in Cheltenham??

Hi Sarah,

I had a mastectomy followed by 5 1/2 months chemo last year. I started Tamoxifen on Nov 1st and commenced rads on Nov 5th.

Hope that helps, all the best,

Take care,


Hi Sarah,

I had 6 sessions of chemotherapy from march to june then waited 3 weeks after my final chemotherapy and started tamoxifen. Its not as bad as it sounds I did get hot flushes for the first three months while I was on it but after this it did settle down

Take care Marykatex

Hi Sarah,
I was put on tamoxifen as I started rads, a couple of months after FEC chemo, as I had some Crohn’s complications and had to wait until they were sorted out before starting rads. Was only on it 2 months and Onc switched me to Arimidex. Was on it 4 yrs, but stopped it 2 months ago due to bad hip,feet and hand pains. Pain virtually gone now and energy levels much better. Waiting to see a new Onc, mine retired last year, for an alternative AI.

Liz, who hates the number 2 - 2 cm tumour, stage and grade 2!


I waited 3 weeks after chemo finished before I started my tamoxifen, I think I was on it a couple of weeks by the time I had radiotherapy.

Take care

Claire x


As soon as you can! I had chemo first then surgery then rads and I started taking tamoxifen before rads.

hope that helps

My onc said leave 4 weeks after last chemo before taking Tamoxifen…that means I have two days to go, eek!

Louise x

Hi Louise, you must have nearly finished chemo now. It sems ages ago when we all started our chemos. I have 2 left to do then rads. Oh yes, Chemo brain, you have 2 days before tamoxifan starting. i may have that but hasn’t been menti9oned at onc meetings yet. I will probably find out next Monday.

Rach xx