I had breast cancer 4 years ago, but by the time it was discovered it had reached both breasts. It took me a long time to get over the diagnosis and treatment, but part of the healing process was to write a book. I’d like to share this with anyone who wants to read it. I have given a copy to my Oncology Nurse Specialist but the idea is to get it around - I’m not sure how to do this and would like to hear from anyone who can help.
Hi there
Just thought I would let you know that I did something similar to you. I was diagnosed last August and have kept a log since finding the offending lump and then throughout the surgery and treatment (chemo, rads, herceptin and Letrozole). This has resulted in me having my log made into a book. I used lulu.com to self publish and have since sold copies to family and friends to raise money for Breast Cancer Research. I don’t know what format your book is on, but if you self publish through lulu then you can open access to the public where it can be purchased through Amazon, etc. I haven’t as yet chosen to do that, but have been really pleased that my log is now quite far reaching locally and made quite a significant amount for research. I look forward to hearing how you get on. J.