Just thought you might be interested to know that tonight’s How to Look Good Naked programme (Channel 4, 8pm) will feature Antoinette, who is 32 and lacking confidence following treatment for breast cancer.
We haven’t been involved in the making of this programme but thought you might like to know about it.
This is from the programme blurb:
“After chemotherapy, lymph removal, a mastectomy, breast reconstruction and radiotherapy, not only has Antoinette’s body taken a battering, but so has her self confidence.”
Thanks Leah, I looked up the Channel 4 website but it doesn’t say whether it is a repeat of last years show. Anyone know whether it is a new one or not?
It’s a new show. The last time HTLGN featured a woman who had had breast cancer, it was a woman called Kelly. This is a different woman, called Antoinette.
interesting thanks.
Last time I watched this programme I thought it would be interesting if they did someone who had had breast surgery.
Will be watching,
Sallyann XXX
I’ve never watched this program before, and I was impressed with his attitude and his respect for her. He seemed to understand things. Antoinette certainly would have benefited from coming to this forum, poor girl had had no one who really understood what she had been through, to talk to before he put her in touch with other bc ladies. I liked the way they used the word remission. It was all a welcome relief from the “celebrities” portrayal of bc.
I’m so glad I found this site to be able to share my feeling with people who understand how I feel and respect my thoughts and feelings even though we are all different.
Good luck and hugs to one and all here
Yes l agree Maria, Gok Wan has a lovely understanding way with him. l have read he had a very hard time growing up, being over 20st in his teenage years, and gay, he was bullied a lot, so l suppose this is why he is like he is.
It is a shame the BCC isn’t suggested by our bcn’s, it is very supportive, ok not for everyone, but l would have loved to have been told about it, rather than search lots of things.
Perhaps a poster in each breast cancer unit.
I was in hospital with Antoinette for 12 days, when we both went through exactly the same ‘stuff’ together - in hospital and after. We became really good friends and kept in touch regularly until I had my mobile pinched with all my contact details on it - ladies, never do this without putting all your info. somewhere else too! Hopefully, I may now be able to get back in touch with her via channel 4. She’s a gorgeous girl and I thought she looked brilliant. (Maria, she was never interested in coming on this forum.) Well done, Antoinette! xxx
Beautifully expressed Maria. I’m a huge Gok fan, although I know that a lot of people find him too much. He did a great deal for me when I first became single at age 50 and was suffering from a serious lack of self-esteem - I certainly would never have “got naked” again without the tips and encouragement I found in his programmes and his book.
Sandra, I had BCC literature put into the information pack I was given by my BCN, together with leaflets on local support groups. I found my way to the forum pretty quickly thereafter but I’m a regular forum user anyway. For those who are not, I think highlighting how and why it provides a valuable service would be a very good idea.
I couldn’t watch the programme when it was on but watched it later tonight on the Channel 4 iplayer.
Just google “Channel 4” and then look up “How to look good Naked” and look for the “watch now” button and you should be able to watch it. If you are having trouble getting it let me know. What is good about watching TV programmes this way is that you can pause them if you need to do something…like answer the phone or make a cuppa. I prefer it to real time TV. Hope this helps. Val
Jacqnotyetinthebox - if you’re still looking to get in contact with Antoinette, she is now on twitter, so you should be able to get in touch with her that way: twitter.com/antz247