How to look good Naked

Hi silversue

I have not had a reply from M & S though emailed them at the weekend: the fact that their designs should have ‘general appeal’ is irrelevant; my point to them was that it is perhaps tactless to use swimwear and lingerie we cannot wear specifically to raise bc awareness and funds for Breakthrough, tactless because it is so painful to us and it is like rubbing salt in our wounds. I would not suggest that they should not produce or advertise or sell clothes that other people can look wonderful in just because I no longer can, much as it still hurts me to look at them - it is the use of them specifically for bc that seems insensitive, that was my point.

And while I’m on - I will just say, and I really don’t want to upset anyone, but I like to get things straight, so tell me if I’m wrong - it is desperately important that we do our best to look our best, and Gok I think seems to be doing a marvellous job helping women to realise they can make themselves look beautiful, and that they can have self-esteem, and not worry about the size of their thighs or whatever faults they perceive themselves to have, and that self-esteem is what really glows through whatever clothes one is wearing. But that said, however well groomed we are, and however much self-esteem we have, we know what is underneath the clothes, and it is what it is - and there are times in a woman’s life when it’s not dressing up that matters, but undressing, and I personally haven’t worked that one out yet.

Let us know if you hear from M & S silversue.

I am with you on points from both paragraphs. Regarding Gok. I agree, but feel it is important to feel good about any part of ourselves for at least some of the time. The undressing is a nightmare at times and as I don’t usually dwell on nightmares, I tend to put them behind me and look for the lighter parts of life. It’s what keeps us (me) going.


hi have not visited forums for a while and have missed the prog - anyone know if it is being repeated or where i can get a copy?

Just posted my letter to M and S, including their latest advert in the Telegraph… I drew on where my dent and scar lines come, so they could see what we are complaining about.

Nice one Silversue, lets hope the designers locked in their ivory towers will get to know how wrong they were on this one.


Glad you have written to M & S - brilliant idea to draw the lines on the pic; I have often felt like doing that on the breast awareness pics which always show someone who obviously has two and looks happy. Anyway, I think they probably will reply to a letter, I have not had any response to my email. Let us know…

Elaine - I don’t know if it’s still there but I think you may be able to watch the prog online on the HTLGN website on Channel 4.

I just wanted to bump this up as the original show was prior to my DX but having just watched the show which was repeated on E4 last night I felt I wanted to add my thoughts and also, for any other ladies who haven’t seen it it may again be available on 4onDemand.

Kelly was amazing. I too cried as soon as she began to speak about how she felt - that’s me! The best part was the transformation throughout the show and her realisation that no-one can tell and it hadn’t affected her beauty to the end when she looked stunning. I am only mid treatment having just started my chemo but am going to keep this on my Sky box and watch it when I sit there at the end staring in the mirror wondering where that woman I once knew was! And then get up, get my hair done and go shopping!!

I love Gok! I want one!

Im trying to find this on 4ondemand - does anyone know when it was first shown or how I can find it?

Shirley, if you look back at the beginning of the thread you should get the date - I think it was the 21st May this year. It was repeated Thursday night on E4.

thankyou ostrich, found it now - just trying to get it to play right through!!

Applaude to Ostrich !!

yes i watched this episode too and had so much to think and thank for- i agree with Gok that the barrier is IN YOUR MIND!!! I am the same age as Kelly -I cried when i was watching this show- you could imagine why!! my life has been turned upside down after this and i am still in the middle of kimo too. My hair has almost gone- but hey, i could still wear my wig !!