How to look good Naked

Girls , next week’s eposide features a lady recovering from BC - saw a click on a trailer after this week’s programme. will definitely be watching that - I love Gok!!!

Vez xx

Me too I saw the clip…hey I could do with being Gok’d…

P xx

Can’t wait
I agree with you Paula but I wouldn’t fancy the being naked in a shop window in Oxford Street - what a thought !!


The lady on is a friend of a friend - apparently she had a good time and feels a lot better about herself. I have a feeling she might visit this forum. Think we might need the hankies out for this one.


Ohhh really Sally…I hope she is ok, pls lets have a happy ending…

Magsi…same here naked in Oxford street…nooooooooo way !!!


I am so glad he is helping someone who had bc…

Hi all will be watching too I love him … would get my recons out for him anyday Maz Haha
Saw the trailer hope uts not too sad xx

From what my friend said, it’s not sad at the end at all - but you know what it’s like when you watch something that’s so close to home.


Cheers for the tip off vez!

I had sky +'d this weeks episode and hadn’t got round to watching it. Just seen the clip of next weeks and I can’t wait.

Long live Gok, he’s amazing!!!

I’ll certainly be watching, no doubt with a tear in my eye so will prob need a drop of vino!



Without giving too much away I took part in a small part of the show and Gok was LOVELY!

The programme is being shown on my birthday so we are having a birthday cake and Gok party to celebrate. After all it’s only appropriate to appear on TV in your near birthday suit on your birthday!



Excellent, I am so looking forward to seeing this one…

Becks…Happy birthday for next week…xxxxx


In the late Dina Rabinovitch’s book, Take Off Your Party Dress, she describes how Gok went to her house to prepare her for a magazine piece on post-mastectomy wear, and he was quite puzzled that she refused to wear a prosthesis! He is such fun to watch, it will be interesting to see how he deals with such a sensitive topic. Thanks for the tip, I haven’t seen it for a few weeks. Lyn x

MY BC Nurse told me about this episode apparently this lady is one of their patients, it was made at Bluewater just up the road from me. I love Gok too.

Debs x

when is it on?

Tuesday 20th 8pm - I think

Don’t forget to watch Gok tonight!


Breast Cancer Care provided advice and support throughout the making of the programme and we are really looking forward to seeing it tonight too. A big thank you to Becks and all the other volunteers who gave their time and got involved.

We’d also love to hear what you think after seeing it.
Sophie H

bump…dont forget its tonight…xxxxx

Thanks for the reminder. I’m looking forward to watching this!

Oh wow! Kelly is beautiful! Thanks so much to her for the courage she’s shown that I think will have helped so many of us along. I shed tears whilst watching - I recognised that lack of confidence in a changed body … thank you Kelly for doing this!

And how wonderful was Gok? I’m so pleased that he’s addressed the issue of breast cancer whilst showing us we can still look damn good!


I’ve never been able to bring myself to wear a prosthesis,[not sure of spelling]. I wear big baggy clothes to cover myself.
Tomorrow I’m on the phone to book an appointment for a fitting.
Kelly you are brilliant and beautiful.
