How to make decision about reconstruction

Hi everyone, I’m new here and would really appreciate some help in trying to decide about reconstruction. I had WLE and SNB 2 weeks ago, and now told need more surgery as although 17mm tumour removed and lymph nodes are clear, tumour was close to margins. Also have DCIS and low-grade cancer. As I had DCIS in 2011, was told if it happened a third time I would definitely need mastectomy. So now could have WLE again, followed by 4 weeks radio therapy, or could choose mastectomy with no radio therapy. Feel very inclined to go for mastectomy with prospect of no further treatment. Thought I’d opt for mx with implant but getting cold feet now after hearing of potential problems with implants and also friends who only use prosthesis and very happy with this. Should add I am 65 but still like to look good and wear nice clothes. And simple mastectomy with no reconstruction does seem to be less troublesome. Anyone think I would regret not having reconstruction. I know I could have delayed reconstruct but not keen on any more surgery than necessary.

Hi Mollybee and welcome to the BCC forums

Along with the shared experiences you will find here please see the following link to the BCC reconstruction information which I hope will help:

Our helpliners are also here to offer you further support so please feel free to call 0808 800 6000, open weekdays 9-5 and Sat 10-2

Take care
Lucy BCC

hi Mollybe in similar situation at 52, appointment tomorrow for CT scan to see if have correct circulation for reconstruction,husband would not be too bothered but I am ,work as neonatal nurse have to wear scrubs not flattering always had a good chest so why stop now .ALso surrounded by breast feeding mums,so hard to avoid not accidentally showing chest.should this matter or I am I just being vain.

Hi Shirley182

Welcome to the BCC forums, along with the support here please feel free to call our helpliners to talk your concerns about surgery over, lines are open today 10-2 and weekdays 9-5 on 0808 800 6000 and our team are on hand with practical and emotional support for you

I am posting a link to the BCC surgery and reconstruction information which I hope you,will find helpful:

Take care
Lucy BCC

Thanks i am glad that the surgery is soon on 10 july and it will be over with but reconstruction cant be until after 6months if i choose it due to previous meds i was on…i saw the prostetic and you are right i may be happy not to go in for it further surgery is definatley something i would rather not have …i think it was just the thought of one breast being left …but i am trying to be positive it was caught early

Hi molly be can i ask i am due surgery on 10 july but my breast care nurse has not contacted me yet …can i contact her to ask about seeing what a mastectomy will look like after surgery and does anyone know how long it has to be after recovering from a mastectomy can you consider reconstruction surgery is it a few months until scars heal and thanks i will also have a look at flat friends

Thanks will have a look … cant have reconstruction yet due to meds was on but can later if i want they cant put in anything said had to be a total and reconstruction later if i want using a tummy tuck.was really opting if i can handle it with one breast no revonstruction but if i cant i didnt know how long after surgery you have to wait