help folks another newbie so another statistic . Had wide local decision and sentinel lobe decision one week ago . Have recovered well from surgery in fact taking off dressings tonight ;but have to wait until 26th for results . In the mean time am very weepy but putting on a brave front for family etc . I expect this is common or am I being a wimp !
Hi Visla,
Well, you are feeling just the same as everyone else did so I guess we were all wimps. It’s fine to be scared and a good cry can help. The waiting is not a lot of fun but you cannot do much about it apart from trying to fill your time with whatever you can cope with. Every day is one nearer to knowing and that’s the problem, there is nothing worse than not knowing. When you do know you can take charge and deal with it. Lots of help on here from those of us who have been there.
Good luck,
Sorry to hear about your diagnosis, waiting is a really tough time and i feel for you. My advice would be to not expect yourself to be strong. This is the emotional equivalent of being hit by a huge truck, and you need to go through the spectrum of emotions yo enable your mind and body to gradually accept what has happened. Pretending to be strong for others can store up problems for yourself later on.
That said, you could focus on just trying to function. I found keeping a normal-ish routine helped, as did getting ready and putting makeup on. A hot long shower managed to shift emotions along sometimes, or else provided a safe place for me to cry, as sometimes you just need to be alone and cry. Bachs resue remedy helped me, breathing and relaxation exercises did and my sister would come And massage my shoulders and neck which would calm me down. Remember as well as the emotional horror of recent weeks, your body has also just had a shock as you’ve had surgery and a general anaesthetic, both if which take some recovering from. Be super kind to yourself, now is the time to lean on others and get support.
All the best with your results
Ps. You are not a wimp! We all felt like you do now, its natural and a healthy reaction.
Hi viszla and welcome to the BCC forums
In addition to the support you have here I am posting a link to our resource pack which has been designed for those newly diagnosed:
Please also feel free to call our helpline on 0808 800 6000, the lines are open weekdays 9-5 and Sat 9-2.
Take care