how would you describe thickening?

I’m not sure what thickening is?
to me my right breast on the top right side feels thicker than any where else on either breast. I can feel a lump which has been in the same place since the end of nov. i can feel a area of my breast which is different to anywhere else. it’s pain full to the touch like it’s bruised but no reason to think i’ve hurt it.

I’ve seen 2 different doc’s within 2 weeks one said come back in a week the other said she could feel what i could feel but wasn’t worried. come back in a month if needs be??? I’e made an appointment for the 16th feb to see a really caring doc that i had when my twins were born.

not sure now if i’m making a fuss about nothing or if the back of my mind should be listened to.

sorry to go on but my mind is going all over the place now x

Hi there,
I think you are right to get it checked - sometimes the Drs like to see you after a period (in case the pain/lumpiness is premenstral and disperses of its own accord). Try not to worry in the meantime - Apparently BC isn’t usually painfull (although I think it can be). My ‘lump’ just felt like a different texture to the rest of my breast and wasn’t mobile. If you are worried you should be listened to (and 16th feb is quite a long wait).

Thanks Caroline. the problem i have with periods is I don’t really have them. I have Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) & have only had about 20 periods in all my life so not sure if this is monthly or not. I stopped feeling my breast after my last visit to the docs for about 4 weeks to give the lump change to go so was surprised to feel it the other day again. Most of me thinks, why would i have BC ? it’s not like it’s a really hard lump like i would think it should be, it’s not like I’ve lost much weight etc & people say you should go with your feelings but i’m so confussed now that i’m worried about being laughed at if i go back to the doc’s again, this is why i’m happy i couldn’t see the doctor I wanted to see until 16th feb. x

i think it would help if you could pinpoint when it happened? If it happened fast… then go back and say so

umm - i don’t know anybody with bc who lost weight before diagnosis - and certainly not after!!

try not to worry