Hi there. Can anyone advise if they have taken HRT for menopausal symptoms after having breast lump removed. I had tubular carcinoma (pure) grade I, 9mm removed in 2013. I have had 2 clear mammograms since but I am experiencing insomnia and other menopausal symptoms. I am reluctant to take HRT in anh for for fear of a recurrance.
Can anyone advise. Much appreciated
Hi Val. I was on HRT when diagnosed last year and because I was ER+ I had to come off it immediately. If your cancer was Oestrogen positive then I don’t think it would be recommended as it feeds BC. You need to ask your BC team for advice. x
Thanks for your reply …being on hrt for a short while and under the age of 50 dosent mean the breast cancer was caused by the hrt …my er rating was er4 …what was yours ?
Morning kmk66…I didnt take tamoxifen for such a small percentage benefit …or radio therapy …I actually had 3 shots of radio therapy but I wanted a breast uplift for so long and was told its not always possible after radio therapy …I was going through a difficult time in my life !!!..
Hi. I was Er8/PR8…which is the highest score so HRT is a definite no no for me forever. Such a shame as it was a marvellous drug. I felt fantastic, looked fantastic!! I now feel tired and have aged 10 years haha! Never mind…its a small price to pay to be NED.
Hi cesrabbit ,er8 !!!is that the highest it can go ?.somepeople think that testosterone and natural progesterone are helpful for menopausal symptoms and actually stop recurring breast cancer …ii am tempted to take biht of some sort as the symptoms are terrible the insomnia being the worst…vit d sleep sunshine relaxationhelp …,all help …some people think quality of life taking biht after breast cancer is worth the risk …and less risk than alcohol or being overweight ???
That is a difficult one and should really be discussed with your doctor. However, the usual recommendations for alternatives to eliminate menopausal symptoms have never worked for me.
I took HRT for about 12 years, as I went into the menopause early and nothing helped. Now I have recently been diagnosed and am post op 1 week. I had to stop HRT dead before the op and also started on Letrozol 2 weeks before the op. Surprisingly, apart from hot flushes, still no menopausal symptoms! Having researched I leant that we need to support our adrenal glands. I have taken Maca Root and CoQ10 together with Mulitvitamins and so far so good. Perhaps research those supplements to see whether they may be right for you? I certainly put a lot of my lack of symptoms down to the Maca Root. But all our bodies are different.
If you can - stay off HRT.
Thanks sue for your reply and advice …I hope your recovering well …I was thinking of maca powder …but bio identical hormones expecially progesterone are supposed to be protective of breast cancer …mine was grade1 and 9mm…and er4…not too sensitive to oestrogen …