

hubby Hi, not sure how tostart but hopeing for some advice?
My hubby aged 36 has found a pea sized lump next to his nipple,he’s seen his gp whos referred him to the hospital, but just wundered what happens now, and what the chances are of it being nothing to worry about. My mum died of breast cancer aged 49 and im scared silly

Checking Helen, Sorry to hear that your husband has a lump on his breast.
The normal procedure is that he will hear from the hospital within 2 weeks, and asked to go to the clinic for a check.
My check up involved the doctor feeling the lump, taking out a sample of the lump with a needle, then I went for a mammogram and then a scan (like what happens with pregnant women)
The mammogram me was not too bad, as I was not all that thin, and had a bit of flab which they were able to squeeze!
I was told the result the same day, but that can vary.
They will tell him whether he will have to have a lumpectomy.
If so, they should be able to tell him what to expect, whether he will need radiotherapy, a mastectomy, or a full mastectomy.
I hope that they can find that it is not what you feared. Even then, the hospitals have made great advances in the treatment of breast cancer in the past few years, and the prognosis is now much better than it was before.
Good luck.

David S

Dear Helen Welcome to the forums where I am sure you will continue to receive valuable support and information from your fellow forum users.

Waiting for appointments can be a very worrying time, you and your husband may find Breast Cancer Care’s booklet called ‘Referral to a breast clinic’ helpful to read, as it contains information about what you may expect to happen at your husbands appointment. You can read it via the following link:

Please also do not hesitate to contact our freephone confidential helpline on 0808 800 6000 for further information and support from our team of helpliners who are either breast care nurses or have experience of breast cancer, so will have an understanding of how you are both feeling at the moment.

The helpline is open Monday to Friday 9am-5pm and Saturday 9am-2pm.

KInd regards
Forum Host
Breast Cancer Care

Hope all is well with your husband Helen. Remember that 9 out 10 women come away from clinics having good news rather than being told it is breast cancer. Hopefully men presenting with breast problems wil fall into the same odds!!

The doctor will feel about the lump, perhaps take a fine needle biopsy and it may also be possible for mammogram to be taken. That depends on how much they have to work with! Ultrasound can be used as well. If he is attending a “one stop clinic” then he should have an outcome of the tests immediately.

If you need any more information then Breast Cancer Care have a marvellous resource for men with breast cancer. Hopefull it won’t come to that!!

Please keep us informed about what happens. There’s lots of support, information, advice and help available from the many people who use this site.

Best wishes and try and not to worry before things have been looked at.


Thankyou Thankyou for all your replies, I guess I shouldnt worry till we know the results, and dont want the kids to pick up on anything. But thanks its helped to hear from you all and wish you all the best with your treatments

Hi all! Early in the week, my husband discovered a lump on the side of his left breast. He went in for a mammogram and it showed another mass behind the nipple that we cannot feel. We are waiting for the radiologist to read the mammogram and get word to us. I am completely freaked out. I am a worrier and I’m not feeling as if I’m being a positive influence right now because I am so scared. He is 51, soon to be 52 years old. The masses showed up white like so many do on the mammogram but we haven’t heard anything today. I fear the worst but no matter what, I want to be supportive!!! I could use some advice on how to handle the unknown…that is by far the worst part. If it is cancer, then we will do whatever it takes to find the right treatment. I have always feared hearing those words on my breast exams but I never thought I would hear it from my husband’s breast exam! Thank you for listening to me!

Dear carmelbabe

Please feel free to contact our helpline for information and support, waiting for results can be a very worrying time and our helpliners will be able to talk to you about ways to help you to cope with the way you are both feeling at the moment.

The helpline number is 0808 800 6000 Mon-Fri 9am-5pm and Saturday 9am-2pm.

Kind regards
Breast Cancer Care