I was advised by my oncoradiologist to stay well hydrated during the radiation treatment. He did not specify how much water I need to drink. Typically I drink up to 2 litres of water a day. I’m not sure if this is enough.
I am going through radiotherapy at the moment, 23 treatments and I only have five left to go now
I was told 2-3 litres a day but it does include things like tea and cordial ! Try to drink some water before and just after your treatment, it helps they said it helps your cells regenerate
Hope this helps
Kay x
I’d also say follow what they tell you with creams and soaps ! It makes it easier I only used the aqueous cream they gave me and simple soap they said to use, kept me going well for the first three weeks without too much skin damage, this week I was told to stop both and only use water as my skin is now rashy and burnt and peeling, it’s helped it dry out and is certainly more comfortable.
I’m not wearing a bra now because they said avoid friction and non cotton products so I just wear a soft vest and sound funny but I put some soft jersey cotton underneath when I’m at home, stops it from getting too hot and rashy under there
Got a few tiny blisters last week, didnt hurt wasn’t sore, they said don’t use cream on them they needed the blisters to dry out, I did that and I haven’t had any since !
It’s a doddle compared to chemo!
Have you started yet ???