Last time I saw my onc, she mentioned that my bloods had shown increased levels of calcium which could indicate that the nodule on my thyroid was actually affecting the parathyroid. It could also be related to nearly five years on Calcichew while taking Arimidex or to the extensive activity in my sternum… Stupidly, I’ve just gone and Googled it (when will I learn?!!), and am now freaking out! :0(
Not got first hand experience but as a mets girl know the possibility.
I do know of a couple of people who’ve had hypercalcemia and it can be successfully dealt with, the sooner staps are taken the better. You should try to keep well hydrated and if you have got it the medics may well want to take you in and give you IVfluids and flush you through. It does sound scary but it can be treated but I see my GP or breast team if I were you. Good luck!
It sounds as if you are pretty concerned about this. As well as the support you receive on here it might help to talk things through with a trained member of staff on the BCC helpline. Here you can share your concerns with someone who will offer you a listening ear as well as emotional support and practical information. The number is 0808 800 6000 and the lines are open Monday to friday 9 to 5pm and Saturday 9 to 2pm.
I had very high calcium levels about 6 months ago, I had been taking Adcal D3, which I stopped. The chemo nurse said I had to carry on taking it as the zometa would reduce the calcium. I hated taking the calcium tablets as they made me gag, so I have ignored him and had no problems since. Try not to search the internet ( I did with this too, I guess you will have to be monitored over time. Each month my blooods seem to throw up something new!
Hope you get the information you need and the problem is sorted asap
Thank you all for your replies. Yes, between the onc and Google, I seem destined for hypochondria! I suggested that I stop taking the Calcichews when she told me my calcium was high and haven’t had my bloods done since then. Next time will be when I go for my 2nd dose of Xeloda, so hopefully the level will be back in the normal range by then… Thank goodness you’re all here to remind me of common sense - tends to leave me sometimes… Lol!