Hypotherapy for hospital phobia

It has been suggested to me that I may want to look into hypnotherapy to help me control my hospital phobia (needles, scalpel, surgery, blood, smell, uniformes, corridors, medical questions, getting undressed… the whole thing).
Has anyone tried this, or recommend anyone?


Hi Lisa

I had hypnotherapy to stop smoking 3 years ago and I havent touched one since. I have to say it was one of the most relaxing experiences of my life. I felt absolutely fab afterwards.

Good luck


HHey - that’s good, Karen!
Ive called a hynotherapist and waiting for her to call me back!
At least I may get some relaxation in!


Hi Ruby,
I tried hypnotherapy for irritable bowel syndrome and although it was very relaxing all I kept thinking was ‘this is costing me £70, this is costing me £70’ needless to say it didn’t work. But perhaps if you go with a more posative frame of mind it will work for you

Hi Ruby

Have you thought of acupuncture? You may not fancy it with needles etc, but I had a real phobia about anaesthetics before surgery. I went to a lady in desperation who did a very good job. didn’t feel the needles at all but came home feeling really positive and sailed through the surgery. Its supposed to be good for anxiety. Also, what about cognitive behavioural therapy if your phobia is really bad - they will help you face up to your anxieties and work through them. I think if we are honest we all have a phobia about hospitals to some extent as they trigger off unpleasant memories of illness either with ourself or someone close. It is often good if you can work out in your mind exactly what bit of the hospital experience is the worst. I know you said everything, but there will be something that stands out if you think about it and you can focus on that particularly aspect. With me, I thought it was the whole package about anaesthesia because I had a bad experience. When I tried to pinpoint it, it was the fear of going under that did it for me. I mentioned this to the anaesthetist who managed somehow to put me out without me even being aware. It was wonderful and has helped cure me of this particular phobia

Hi Cathy
Its fear or fear! Its surgery, the blood, scalpel, knowing what they are going to do.
I had a minor breast op in 1990 when I was 24 to remove a fibroidenoma on the surface.
I couldnt get out of my own bed, and my husband at the time, and Mother had to drag me in. The hospital told me that I could just have my pre-op tests and then let me come home and back for the next op the next day. They wouldnt let me out once I was there.
When they tried to take blood test, my reaction was to quickly move my arm away - they gave up.
On the morning of the op, I was first in. They gave me a pre-med, but I was sat up on the trolley as they took me down - it had no affect at all.
I was waiting outside the theatre for what felt like an eternity and then had to fight them as they put me to sleep.
Oh - Im just dreading it.
Im terrified.
And to be honest I am trying to get an immed recon, knowing that it will be a longer op, but it will mean that the likelyhood of further surgery is less. (I need a masectomy)
Im desperately trying to find a way to deal with it.
I have the hypnotherapy tomorrow - it will need to work miracles!

Cognitive therapy - I will look into that.

Hey Lisa, I’ve just written to you on my thread.(driving) Read it - it may help!

Have you had babies?? Think breathing…

Think emptying your chest and stomach as you breath out deeply and fully.
Think about how far you’ve come since you were 24…
Did you have the hypnotherapy???

Love, td x

Hi WaitingAngel
Yes, my baby is 23 now! I was 18 when I had him. I notice on another thread that your children know about your diagnosis.
My son doesnt know. He has no siblings and his father is no around anymore. I met my current partner when David was about 12, but didnt actually start living together until 4 years ago. Therefore, John is not David’s ‘father figure’!

I just cant tell him. his girlfriends grandfather died a few days ago of cancer, and we just seem to be surrounded by deaths at the moment. Two people at my company died suddenly…
He will assoicate cancer with the worst, and I cant bear him to be alone and not have anyone to talk to about it. I think he would be really upset, and he is not one for talking about his feelings to me.

Therefore, I want to drip feed him information. He knows I am going in hospital for an op this week similar to one that I had when he was younger. If I need further treatment, I will have to tell him then.
It breaks my heart thinking about him. He’s grumpy, but he is the most precious thing in the world to me.

Hynotherapy… mmmm - yes. It was relaxing, but dont think I got to the trance stage, so dont think it has worked.
Im going again on Wednesday, the day before the op - hopefully it will work!
She told me that I would just feel calmer (sort of in a trance) when I went into the hospital. But I didnt - I cried!

I now have 3 immediate fears now though - surgery - seeing my mastectomy, and then the results of the tissues testing.
(and I am sure there will be more after that to come!)


I empathise entirely. I know I’ve been talking to you on another thread but I can’t remember which and I can’t remember exactly what your having, but I seem to remember it’s mastectomy for DCIS.

i’m having mastectomy with partial recon. - LD flap no implant as I have to have rads at some point. My current plan is op on 12th, chemo to start about a month aflter that and rads after that. my story began with DCIS and has now progressed (after many biospsies etc) to IBC 2.6cm grade 3 so at least there are no suprises there for me.

I’m not too frightened of the surgery - I had a D&C last aug which I was scared of, and it was absolutely fine ( the anaesthetic, needles bit). I do take blood out of people myself, so I’m a bit de sensitised to that bit.I’m scated to see my new little boob; I wonder if I should’ve waited & done the recon at a later date. And as for the tissue testing - well, like you - I’m prepared that it may not be quite as it seems right now.

I told my big kids a few weeks ago. I was absolutely dreading it, but now it’s out in the open life is much easier. it’s so hard to cope with other peoples pain isn’t it? They have been ok… as I am coping well myself at the mo they bounce off that… and 23 IS a big boy… but it obviously depends on what else is going on in his life. remember, when you were 23 he was 5 and you were doing it all babe!

Goo luck and stay in touch!
Td x

Hi WaitingAngel
I was dx with pagets (nipple) with calcifictions behind nipple (18mm) - that’s all they know at the moment. But, its an all-off for me since my problem is nipple area!
23 is a big boy - but he doesnt have any siblings to talk to , and the thought of him not opening up and holding back on me is not good for him - or anyone.
He’s also waiting to have some aptitude tests for an apprenticeship, so want him focused.

If I am in hospital for a few days, and he is on his own thinking about it, its not fair. Ill deal with it bit by bit. He’s unaware of the full story at the moment, but knows about the op.

I wish I was having some sort of recon - I practically begged - it would have helped me. But it doesnt look like they do immed recons very often here.

I read about your party! That’s a amazing attitude Girl!


Hi Lisa
Doing my mailings early today as i have a friend over later to help with housework (what?!) -pre party clean up! (not to mention pre op clean up!) and son back at 4 so computer commandeered then…

Is your op tomorrow?? Been thinking of you a lot. At least your recovery will be quicker wihout recon and you will have time to find the best surgeon for you after that…

Big big love Td x

Hi Waitingangel
Had pre-ops this morning - the works.
Op is on Thursday - dreading it.

I bitten the bullet and hired cleaners - they are here today for the first time.
(Well, I am at work, and they are at home obviously!)



2 weeks ago my daughter had hypnotherapy and EMT (Emotional Freedom Tecnique) for a very severe spider phobia. I sat in the session to watch and by the end of a 2 hour session she was holding a spider in her hand.

She is not totally ‘cured’ but it is now manageable.

When I had my first mastectomy in January, I went into hospital dreading the drains most of all. I am due to have my second op next month and I plan to have a session of EMT beforehand.

Good luck.


Hi ladies,
Hope your op went OK Ruby and the hypnotherapy did some good. I don’t like to speak too soon but the hypnotherapy does wierdly seem to have helped with my Irritable bowle syndrome - perhaps it wasn’t £70 wasted after all!

Hi Ladies
I didnt think that the hypnotheapy was going to work. I didnt feel as if I was in any trance… just relaxed.
However, on the morning of the op, I was in total control. I really surprised myself.

I would recommend this to anyone.
I am the person who fainted at mammogram! I went through a mastectomy this week, and am home 4 days later feeling ok.

If you think you need some help, give it a try - even if you dont think it will work.
Lisa x

Hi Lisa
My names Lisa and im 35 - when I read your posts of your fears, I laughed not cos it was bad but identical to my feelings - pre-med sitting up to theatre no effect at all etc, majore phobia of needles, panic when doctors are about but in the end I didnt wanna come out of hospital cos I felt protected in their from people seeing me - hope it went well. I wanted the recon but because of my chest size, huge, but will never complain again, and rads didnt want to give me recon at last minute - was gutted by so scared of further surgery!!!

Chemo starts on Wed - so you can imagine what Im going to be like. Good look with your recovery!

hi Lisa!!
So glad your ok!
I’ve written heaps in New Pyjamas about me, so won’t go on.
How are you feeling about your new Amazonion look?? I’m more of a one & half boiled egg look now! Thing that has suprised me is that I get pain in the nipple that isn’t there!!
What’s next for you??

Td xx

Hi Td
Blimey - Im glad i am not the only one who had that wierd nerve thing - I had pains in ‘my nipple’ for days. It has eased now though!
Feel a bit dazed by it all. I have recovered quicker than I thought - I want to go to work now!

I have a date to get my results - 28th May, but have been reassured that if they come back earlier, then they will let me know.
I am told that due to my age (42 last Tueaday - what a great birthday!), that I will probably be offered chemo.

Not sure yet though.
How are you?

Hi Lisa
I’m ok. Sore along inner aspect of upper arm - due to lymph node dissection. That’s a bit better today too though.

I get my results tomorrow with referral to oncology. As I know that my bc in grade 3 invasive I was ‘told’ that I would need chemo. they had said that if it were grade 2 I would be ‘offered’ - what a choice!! I decided that if it gives me any better a chance of beating it then I’d do it. So, for me, chemo here I come. Well next month when healing done anyway!! The Gollum look could be quite useful if the summer is hot!!

I am not working now until after Christmas!! My job is not one that lends itself to anything other than 100% full on too many hours with on call type thing, with lifting and potential for heavy lifting (ie when you have to catch people who collapse!!). As I work for the NHS, they look after us well… ish!

Don’t know how we’ll cope financially, but we can live on garden produce and Value food until then!

Td xx

Hi Td
I went back to work today - quite tired tonight though.
however, my job is one that I can take home with me, and doesnt involve heavy lifting.

My underarm is very sore, and pins and needly pains on chest - better than the nerve pains I have had this week! And just generally stiff. I need to do the exervises more!

Your path results have come back quickly. I have an appt for next Wed which is about 16 days after the op. However, I was assured by the bcn that she would call me if they came back sooner. I might call her anyway!

Chemo - urhhhhh. I know that I will probably have to do it (due to my age - 42 last week). However, I am so hoping that they dont advise it. But then of course, if they say dont have it, Ill be anxious. You know how it is!
