Hysterectomy advice please

im due to have a complete hysterectomy in 10 days time on the advice of my oncologist and my gynea, i still have extremely heavy periods that are very embarrasing, i have finished my family??? i was sterilised about 10 years ago, and yet all i can think about is the fact i will never have my baby girl that i have secretly always yearned for ( i have 3 boys) need someone to give me a push in the right direction,

Hi Anna

I was in the same position as you a few years ago, being urged to have a hysterectomy by everyone. I held out for a while, but I was losing so much blood (I’d had my ovaries out 3 years before, but the bleeding just got worse) that it became unavoidable and urgent.

I wish I’d had it done years before! I felt SO much better, SO quickly. Like you,I did want more children and I did find the finality of it a bit depressing. I had two boys and had wanted a third - another boy, if posssible, but I was then told from an oncological point of view that would be a non-starter anyway, womb or no womb, so that made my mind up for me.

I’d say, go for it! I know lots of women who say it’s given them a new lease of life, not to mention saving money each month!

All the best - let us know what you decide


its just a year ago i had a mirena coil in and everything was fine, then BC waltzed into my life, coil had to come out, op, chemo and rads, periods came back after coil came out, referred to gynea, hes found “areas of concern” so now another operation, im not whinging honest, just sick of it all. Anyway i’ll carry on being positive and keep my chin up
Thanks for the advise S

Hi Anna
I had a hysterectomy 10 years ago at the age of 28, due to yucky heavy periods. I have two lovely boys and would also wanted a little girl, but my life was being put on hold for 10 to 15 days every month, due to heavy periods. Since the surgery i have not looked back and now live a far better life, especially on the social side of things. Not having to make excuses why i didn’t want to go out.

Anna i promise you will feel better for the hysterectomy. Keep thinking postiive:-)

Kirsty xx

I had a total hysterectomy 9 years ago, aged 33. Was sad that I would not have more children as was due to get married 6 months later, but other health reasons stopped that anyway. Just remember all the benefits you get after:
no more heavy periods
money saved from buying tampons/towels etc
no more stomach aches and back pain
swimming whenever you want
sex whenever you want!
no worrying about having periods when on holiday
no more feeling so ill you have to go to bed
no more mood swings!

need I say more!!!

good luck and I am sure you will look back on this and be glad you did it!

Deb x