Hysterectomy,Oestregen pos BC and Tamoxifen ?

Hi all have looked on the hysterectomy info sites but they dont answer what I want to know BC two years ago oestregen pos …mastectomy on Tamoxifen now at risk from Ov tumours so have been advised to have uterus tubes ovaries removed on 15 th january .
I am 54 … wasnt in menoapuse before BC so my query is has the Tamoxifen finished my ovaries off ? or after hysterectomy will I go into menopause will I still take Tamoxifen ? I anm sick of being told that I will pile the weight on after the hysterectomy ??? I cannot understand why this would happen as my ovaries dont function any way so have no hormones or am I wrong …is there any one out there that has any experience similar to this as I think the after effects of a hysterectomy are different when you have been on Tamoxifen or maybe not …Help only have a week to go and am stressed !!! Maz x

Hi mazaroo

Neither an oopherectomy in 1994 nor a hysterectomy in 1999 affected my weight one way or the other. Between 1994 and 1999 I had takn Tamoxifen for about three years.

Good luck with your op. My hysterectomy was totally uneventful and a blessed relief for me!



Thanx xxxxxx Did you stop taking the tamoxifen after ??? I am just being silly listening to people who have no knowldege of BC or OVC ,Should have come straght to you guys you always have the answersxxxxx

Hi mazaroo

I was put on Tamoxifen because my oophecrectomy was a horlicks and some ovarian tissue was left behind (somewhere - they could never find it) - I was never supposed to have it - I didn’t need it. This was my first brush with bc and it was a grade 1 with no lymph node involvement.

However, my oestrogen levels would not drop and I kept on having periods. Cue the Tamoxifen, which had the desired effect on the hormones but made my womb double in size and me bleed more and more heavily for longer and longer.

My hysterectomy was not quite an emergency but nearly - I was admitted to hospital with really heavy bleeding, which they stabilised, went home and was readmitted about four days later to have the op itself.

I felt fantastic when I woke up afterwards! Not quite a weight off my shoulders, but close enough. :slight_smile:

Hope it’s as good for you, too.