
Has anyone had a hysterectomy due to problems with tamoxifen. I have been offered a hysterectomy due to endometrial thickening & ovarian cysts. There is nothing pathologically wrong at the moment but I keep getting multiple cysts & the endometrium is continuing to thicken. I am scared stiff, not so much the surgery but the effects of being thrown into menopause (ironically the possibility of thinning hair!). Does anyone have any positive stories about hysterectomies? I am 49 so no spring chicken & naturally I guess I may go through the menopause anyway. Thank you



I am going to be having one in the next few months, endometrium is very thick>  I will be having the whole lot taken away ovaries etc as well, I have a 3cm simple cyst on one of them and whilst that is nothing to be worried about, my consultant said it would be better to remove it all as it takes away the risk of something developing in the future.  I am 60 so have already been through the menopause so cant help in that respect.


The one thing that my consultant said is without a womb I will be able to stay on tamo, which as I am not finding it a problem other than this, I am pleased about, I cant have letrozole etc., as I have osteoporosis and that is hard on the bone density so my oncologist did not want to put me through that.


Helena xxx

Hi there Sonia


It’s Emily here from Breast Cancer Care.


I just thought I’d let you know that one of our telephone volunteers had a hysterectomy as a result of her side effects from tamoxifen (she’s also a similar age to you). If you’d like for us to put you in touch with her, feel free to give us a ring on 0345 077 1893 (we’re open Mon-Fri, 9-5pm).


Best wishes in the meantime, and I hope you get some more responses on here.


Emily at Breast Cancer Care

Hi Sonia I was in a similar position to you. I am also 49 and had been on tamoxifen for 4 years and had developed a bulky uterus. I then developed some uterine bleeding and had to have a hysteroscopy and biopsies taken. It all came back normal and they said I could come off tamoxifen and try arimidex. I only tried them for 12 days with horrendous side effects. I was then given the option of having a hysterectomy and going back on the tamoxifen. I refused both. I feel like I have been through enough and am still going through reconstruction having had ops through the last 5 years. They make these suggestions like it is an easy option but they are not the ones who have to go through the surgery and pain and potential complications. I would think and weigh up your options and make the right decision for you and do some research so you are happy with your choice don’t see it as your only option  x