It’s my first time on a forum like this so you will have to excuse me if I sound like a bit of a hypochondriact.
I am 32 years old, married and have no children. I also started having my periods at a relatively early age (11 years)so that gives me a slighly higher risk of have bc. I have had asthma and eczema most of my life and that includes breast eczema when I was a teenager mainly around my nipple and areola on my left breast. I don’t have a history of bc in my family.
I have a lumpy scar where my eczema used to be on my areola. And small bumps on both my areolas which my GP says are glands and she assured me an old scar was nothing to worry about. I check my breasts every two weeks or so (including checking my arm pits, collar bone, back of my neck and throat).
Should I be doing anything else? I will go for breast exams every three months to my gp. Should I ask for an ultrasound?
I guess I am trying to ask there must be some obvious symptoms for bc, it can’t be silent or can it?