I am a mummy


Unfortunately, like many people, I have lost loved ones due to this terrible disease from cousins to family friends. The passing of my Grandmother in March 2020 and my beloved dog (my best friend) in September last year hit me particularly hard.

I have written a Poem called “I am a Mummy”. The inspiration behind “I am a mummy” is about my sister’s friend who was diagnosed with cancer in mid 2023 and sadly passed away in 2024. I was inspired by her bravery, determination, courage, and dedication to her children and husband and her positive outlook on life through this heart breaking time.

I do hope my Poem can offer comfort to those who need it, and remind people that whatever they may be going through, there is always hope, they are never alone, and they are loved.


As them words were spoken to me
those dreaded words of ache
I thought “this cannot happen to me”
surely there must be some mistake
what happens next?
where do I go from here?
feelings of daze and perplex
hours upon hours of streaming tear
sleepless nights and knots in my tummy
But I do not fear
I am a Mummy

I look at my husband in deep thought
hug my children as tight as I can
overwhelming deep feelings of distraught
coping with this as best we can
creeping feelings of “what if it’s all my fault?”
“We love you” my husband whispers in my ear
my eyes well up with knots in my tummy
but I do not fear
I am a Mummy

Its the day of my first treatment
and an update on my scan
the doctor and me have an agreement
they explain to me their plan
my husband looks to me in achievement
I ask “can we beat this?”
he says “yes we can!”
he hugs me tight saying “all will be ok dear”
The knots still in my tummy
but I do not fear
I am a Mummy

Months pass by
treatment after treatment
staying strong for my family I try
loss of appetite and hair loss due to this sequent
all the time I ask myself “why?”
the tiredness becomes more frequent
those familiar knots return in my tummy
but I do not fear
I am a Mummy

Its 2 years to the day
since I heard that dreaded word
this terrible illness is away
my resolve is not blurred
I tell my husband and children I love them
and hold them tight
my hair has re grown again
and read my children stories at night
I was stronger than those knots in my tummy
but I did not fear
I am a Mummy

If you are reading this poem today
should these dreaded thoughts appear
here are some words I wanted to say
to speak aloud without fear
you are stronger than those knots in your tummy
You are a Mummy

Stephen Geggus©


WELL DONE a lovely poem

Tili :pray::rainbow::pray::rainbow:

Thank you reading my poem, I hope it was comforting

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