I am in a really surreal place.........

I’ll say Amen to that Cat - or, yes, I agree, if that’s more acceptable!!! Great that not only are you HERE longer than anyone thought Clare, but that you are enjoying life and inspiring others… God bless, Jane x

How fantastic Clare, the naughty one who inspires so many and is always in our thoughts xx

Wot they said!

You know what the Red Lion’s like, and you know they have chairs you can hoosh yourself out of, so it sounds like it’s the Red Lion.

Do you think we should all meet at yours first, then go in convoy? That way if you have any little jobs that need doing (yes, I’ll even volunteer to do some ironing!) then we can do them while waiting for whoever’s last.

Is there anything you want bringing? A bit of shopping or are you like me and don’t know what you want to buy until you’re in the shop?

Looking forward to seeing you, and delighted that your 3-month-versary is here, with sights on your 4-month-versary. I know you were wondering at one time whether you’d see your snowdrops come out, and then your daffs, we’ll have to keep you going until the bluebells are in full force. I have no idea what sort of magnolia it is, other than it’s very big (15-20 feet?) and it has whitish petals tinged with pink. There are some deep pink magnolias awake around here already.

I’m rambling, better stop. See you Thursday


Hi Clare,

Another lurker coming out of the closet ! It seems like an age ago when you wrote that first post and I am so happy and inspired that 3 months later you are still going strong, you are truly amazing

Lots of love


Hi Clare

3 month anniversary is truly special and hoping we will see you post for a long time to come.


Laurie x

Hi Clare and the claredroppers!

Another lurker here, I enjoy reading all your exploits and its great that some of you have met up. What a wonderful blog and I will be looking forward to the next months tales. Clare your spirit shines through and you really deserve to prove the Drs wrong.
Love n hugs

Hi Clare/Claredroppers/lurkers.

Just been catching up and I am really thrilled you are OK and enjoying this lovely spell of weather. Here’s to many anniversaries to come!!! Love to all :)x

I found myself wanting to “Like” all of the above comments!! SO LOVELY to read…This is a wonderful Forum. I have used another web community forum for another chronic illness that a relative of mine has, and was shocked at the rather aggressive comments and competitive edge to a lot of the posts, mostly in relation to the effectiveness of different treatments. In the end, we left it. This though, is what you would expect, and more, of a support community. Very glad I found it!!

Best wishes.


Hi Clare
Congratulations on the three month anniversary!
I certainly didn’t feel patronised one little bit and I have copied and pasted your words of wisdom re the camellias, azaleas, sweetpeas, and raspberries. Thank you so much for taking the trouble to post the information, I need all the help I can get as I’m like CM I have brown thumbs tending towards black! When I was working full time I was able to pay for a gardener to do it for me- (nurses in Australia are much better paid than they are here)I like magnolias too that’s vandalism chopping down your tree!

I’ve got one of those jigsaw mats too they really are a boon, I did several jigsaws when I was going through chemo- takes your mind off yourself.

Good luck with the lymphoedema lady will be hoping for another miracle for you. Full length compression stocking are something else!! I had them after having varicose veins done - went to a wedding a few days after and had to keep hitching them up.

Love hugs and spoons -Diana x

Hello Clare,

Lovely stuff, three month anniversary and what a joy it has been to keep up to date with all of your shennanigans on here.

Got into my garden today (yippee) finished work early so hubby and I finally got stuck in. It’s a new build (2 years old) obviously built somewhere it never should have been. No drainage and high water table means I struggle to get plants to root. At first I was a bit oblivious but since I have realised what is going on, and why I am losing so many plants! I have had to change to hardy, boggy plants.

Come summer I am going to call in the experts for some advice though. A nice, easy week for me at work. Thought I’d surprise you by not grumbling lol!

Val I have read some good things about Plockton hotel food and ales. Will go to Applecross too thanks.

So many posts here I cannot keep up but to Twinky and others who are having a crappy time, take care. xx

Hi I too would like to say how wonderful your posts are and to admit to being a bit of a lurker, hmmm! I hope you are enjoying the beautiful sunshine and it has lifted everyone spirits! Take care all Em x

Happy almost 3 month anniversary! Here’s to many more.

Glad you had a nice cuppa and natter rev and vectors, just sorry I won’t hear the gossip as in London for my zometa on Thursday, have a great time gang and hope one day to get to join you.

Mums cherry tree starting to blossom and she is thrilled so it was worth all the hassle!

CM hope you’re black eyes fade quickly, glad you weren’t more hurt! Twinky, hope you are feeling less yucky.

Put the irons down and enjoy the lovey weather! xx

3 month anniversary - congratulations Clare. Im still keeping up with your news - love reading about your days.
love light peace


Think I might have got away without a black eye, but do have a bit of a bruise coming out.

Off to bed, really pooped tonight. Was at a swimming gala officiating again, and I now have the heebeejeebees (restless legs to the uninitiated) so I need to get horizontal.

Night all, and looking forward to Thursday.


Hi Clare, congratulations keep proving them wrong, hope you are enjoying this lovely weather, love to you and all our friends junieliz x

Clare, many congratulations on your three month anniversary. You bad girl you, proving the doctors wrong. How very dare you! :slight_smile:

What are the next flowers you’re waiting to see? Lily of the Valley is another of my favourites. No sign of mine yet, although I’m sure they’ll be popping up soon.

I’ve now had my fourth day weeding the garden (although the last two have been just an hour or so after work). Finally done all the borders, weeded and edged and they look great. All that’s left is the veggie patch and a very stony bit alongside the garage where the fig tree and grape vine are growing (south west facing wall - I get loads of figs every year - yum)

Just waiting for my last few packets of seeds to come in the post, although where I’ll put the seed trays I don’t know. I’ve already put up a picnic table inside the greenhouse for some of them, in the place where the tomatoes will be growing a bit later in the year. I need a double decker greenhouse bench!

So glad you’re all getting to meet up again, and that Rev and Vercors were able to meet up and have a gossip. CM, just go and buy yourself a big roll of bubble wrap and roll yourself up in it before leaving the house. Hope you’re not too bruised.

Here’s to the next month for Clare, and the next, and the next… well, there are far too many flowers for you to see bloom for you to be going anywhere quite yet!


Jane xxx

Oh Jane -figs-I love them! Any advice regarding growing a fig tree would be much appreciated. I only have a small garden but it is south west facing so plenty of sunshine with a few shady spots. Clare any words of wisdom from you? Hope I’m not bothering anyone by asking so many gardening questions. Diana x

My goodness (blush)

Am overwhelmed by your kindness, once more. Thank you x It just occured to me as I was looking at how many days to the end of the month…pay day :o)

I had an ok day with mum, she was well and truely in NAG mode, totally switched on and I managed to keep all my remarks to myself. ( A first LOL) She just wouldn’t let it go on anything we talked about, how I should give jamie more jobs around the house to stop him lazing around, he has been getting up at 5.30 for the last 3 weeks and finaally he has 2 days off in a row and I feel he is entitled to chill, he does what I ask of him, he cleaned the carpet yesterday, which I think is enough. I do have to have a word with him about his money though, not many people have £500 to spend on themselves a month and then have nothing left for the last week!! I want him saving for a car or the insurance, luckily I didn’t say that in our conversation as that would be another thing to go on about. Then she started going on about Aisling and i little time to tackle her and instill in her what mum deems right. House cleaning and chores…don’t get me started…the fact that I can’t climb the stairs, I can no longer check on their rooms, so I don’t know what they are like LOL. they are usually ok…

She has been so good and restrained while I have been feeling grotty, I thought I’d give her the space to rant, oh I so wish I hadn’t. She lives in a very simple world, is very intellegent, bought up rough and poor but seems to forget sometimes where she came from, we have always called her mrs bucket!!!

Enough moaning, I bought some summer shoes, a bit likt granny would have, what has my life come to at 46 LoL, fully adjustable to accomadate fat feet.

Must go to bed as I took my pills a while ago and feeling groggy.

Once again ty for your kind comments

Lots of luv

Clare xxx

LOL I nearly said something about Janes post regarding figs…but shut my mouth as it sounds like an established plant. Just don’t plant it against a house wall as the roots can disturb the foundations… I luv them, nothing like picking fresh figs for breckie

Clare xxx

Oh heavens Clare…you get the ‘lip buttoned’ award for letting your Mum rant on! It’s her way of coping but you knew that x & Jamie is just being a typical young lad! Get your Mum talking about the family tree next time ( some soul gardening…lol) and use her energy in other ways. You need to get her to dig out photos for you & put faces to relatives. I’m expecting to see that you’ve made a start next time I see you ( thinning eyebrow raised again) but not sure if it will be Thurs or not as I’m a bit rough at the moment. Hubby is fast asleep but I can hear the bunnies moving around under the bed. I expect people think I’m a bit mad with them sleeping there but they’re very good bunnies & use a litter tray down stairs in the kitchen. No deposits under my bed! Just some chewed boxes ( and erm a couple of sheets with holes in since once of them worked out how to get into the bed linen drawer).

Still missing my Snowy dreadfully as she was so affectionate & I was her original bunny mate. The other two keep me amused with their antics though & I’m glad of their bedroom presence when I’m not well enough to be up.

Suppose I ought to try for more sleep. Hope you’re all snoring gently…

Twinky x