Hi all,
I joined this forum when I was first diagnosed with breast cancer and I was terrified. (living at 100 miles an hour) I didn’t post then as it was all coming out negative and unhelpful. I am half way through my FEC chemo therapy and I am doing fine. Latest scan showed the tumours are shrinking and i have very little in the was of side effects. Reiki was tremedously beneficial to slowing my pace down as well as the healing benefits too many to type today.
My whole outlook on life, as it is now, has changed to the point friends ask me what I have done with the old me?
Everything that had to be done yesterday can wait, the people that can’t wait can GO!!
my treatment is my 1st priority
looking after myself is next eating washing doing all the things I wanted to do but didn’t have the time due to work loads.
doing something for someone else everday
speaking to at least 2 friends a day
using the bonus time wisely (Bonus time = the time it used to take me to blow dry my hair every day (11/2 hrs a day it used to take mne to blow dry it.)
going to bed and sleeping when I need to.
Things may get more difficult but i am ready to tackle anything.