I am so worried for my family

I have joined the forum because i am currently feeling overwhelmed with emotions. I would love to speak to anyone who has gone through or who is currently going through similar.


My mum has just been diagnosed with stage 2 breast cancer, she will find out on Wednesday when her operation date is to have her masectomy and reconstruction, after this she will then start to receive chemotherapy. She has been told that her cancer is very agressive.


My mum told me the news this weekend, she was so brave, at first i had no reaction and just tried to stay strong for her, since then i have been a mess and have really struggled to control my emotions. I dont want the family or her to see me in this way, i dont want them to think that i cannot cope, i want to be strong for them.


There is my mum, dad, little sister (age 7), myself and my partner who are in this together. the news is shocking and seems to have come out of no where. My mum has been very ill in the past with a brain tumour and i feel so upset and angry that she has been diagnosed with this now, i feel like she has already been through so much, and now this, another hurdle for her to get through.


I am due to get married in July and the only thing my mum said she is bothered about is not being able to wear her dress for the day. She really is one in a million.


My dad is not coping well with the news i believe he is putting on a brave face for my mum but will need lots of support and company.


My little sister, asked mum if she could feel the lump in her breast, she asked mummy that when she has the masectomy if the doctor can save the lump for her, so that she can keep it, she wants to call it Gemima!


My partner has been a rock, he’s making sure im okay and talking to friends for me so i dont have to. I feel very lucky.


Today i have arrived at work and broken down in tears as soon as someone asked me if i was okay, i didnt want to react in such a way but i just couldnt hold the tears back. I since spent some time choosing some flowers on the internet to send to mum and dad, a teddy bear for my sister and have joined this forum, i already feel 10 x better for doing those things.





Hi Rockthorne, this is just horrendous for you and your family, and I’m so sorry you are going through this.
I was dx mutlifocal grade 2 IDC 2013. My sons were 13 (twins) at the time. The only way I got through the whole thing was making sure they were ok and not too upset. The whole family rallied round, just like you guys are doing.
I guess it’s different where you are older, but you are still her baby! Just keep doing what you are doing, and keep a strong face on for her. Mess around with your little sister and keep the Gemima joke going. You can do the meltdown when she’s not around:)
I recommend phoning the helpline here - they always helped me, no matter what I said - or didn’t say cos I was too choked up to speak.
x x

Hi rockthorne.

Just wanted to say hello. I am also going through this - my mum was diagnosed in November and has just completed her chemo. It’s supposed to be her op on Wednesday but she has a chest infection so waiting on a call back from the hospital.
My mum has had bladder cancer previously and I cannot believe it has struck again.
Hope you get some help in here. I have been chatting to some lovely ladies on here who were going through chemo at a similar time to my mum and they have been invaluable. I’m v greatful for their help.