I am so worried

HI i found out i had bc dec 08. I had 5 months of hormone treatment and wle and snb on 29th may, my nodes were clear but they found cancer in my vessels so i now need 6 fec chemos which i start 8th july.I am so scared i do not like injections i do not like hospitials.
i am being treated at the royal marsten in sutton.
is it as bad as i read about?
i am beining strong for my boys 16 and 13 but i am really scared how do you all get though this?
love jenny

Hi Jenny,

Sorry that you now have chemo added to your treatment regime. I have recently finished 6 cycles of chemo - including 3FEC followed by a different drug (taxotere). FEC isn’t that bad. It is given every three weeks. The worst side effects for me tended to be nausea for a few days - but you will get loads of different kinds of anti sickness pills to help with that. Tiredness was the other effect. I felt a bit ropey for a few days each time but never had to spend anytime in bed. It is likely that you will also lose your hair as well which happens after a couple of weeks but grows back afterwards. But you can prevent or dramatically reduce hair loss by using the cold cap / scalp cooling system. Most hospitals have this. I used it - it is a little unpleasant for 15 minutes then you get used to it. it means an extra couple of hours in the chemo unit. Some people don’t want this and just want to get out of hosptial quickly. But I was pleased I used it as I still have my hair.

The insertion of the canula/needle doesn’t hurt - and the nurses take great care with how they do this. The chemo unit is very welcoming and you get offered lots of tea and biscuits etc! The staff know how anxious patients are likely to be and are really sympathetic.

It is getting late - so must go. Feel free to ask any other questions.

Good luck

Bright xx

Hi Jenny

I am posting a link to our publication about FEC chemotherapy which you may find helpful to read:


Please feel free to call our helpline for more support and information whilst you are feeing so worried on 0808 800 6000, it’s open weekdays 9-5 and Sat 9-2.

You may also find our ‘live chat’ on Thursday eveings 9-10pm useful, here you can ‘chat’ online in real time to others forum members about any aspect or concern you have, just follow this link for more details:


Best wishes

Hi Jenny

So sorry that you have to do chemo when you were hoping to avoid it.

As Brightlight says, chemo isn’t as bad as it sounds before you’ve had it. The nurses are usually kind and considerate and do everything they can to make it as easy and comfortable as possible. I had FEC x 3 and Tax x 3, and I found that I did get progressively tired throughout the 6 cycles. For nausea which is a common side effect of FEC I didn’t get on with the anti sickness meds I was given so I had regular acupuncture sessions to help and they really worked. I found with FEC that the side effects that made me feel a bit rubbish only lasted for one to two days each cycle.

All the best, IM me if you want any more info about acupuncture, or anything else.


Hi Jenny, I started the first of 6 cycles of FEC last week, and like you I was really anxious about it all. My oncologist suggested I asked my GP for some Lorazepam (a short-acting sedative) to take an hour before I go. That really did help calm me down. I’m in favour of anything where you feel in control of what is happening, and for me, being able to control my anxiety was a big thing. I won’t need the Lorazepam next time, because it wasn’t a horrible experience after all. I also expected to feel really lousy afterwards, but didn’t. Symptoms equivalent to a very mild hangover, and was given plenty pills to take to keep any side-effects at bay. Next day I was driving my son to his afterschool club and pottering about the house. Try and stay positive and imagine how well the chemotherapy drugs are doing their job and zapping anything that shouldn’t be there, and helping to keep you well in the long run.
Scottiedog x

jenny - sorry you have to have it but think of it as extra help to sort this 'orrible thing and you’ll get there - its do-able as we all say and once you start it goes so quick - I am now day 14 after my last tax and feel gooooooood!! mary x

Hi bright,Cat,scottiedog and mary
Thank you so much for your replies.I think i am afraid of the unknown.Just by reading your replies i feel a little better.
Thank You
Love jenny

Thank you Lucy for the link

Hi Jenny. I too had a lot of vascular invasion.I had FEC chemo and Tax.I was more afraid of the drugs than the needles(manage most fillings without them at the dentist!) I found the 4xFEC a breeze and kept my lovely thick hair with the aid of the cold cap,I was back at work the day after each chemo.The Tax was a bit more trying,but as you’re only on FEC… My very best of luck!
Josie x

hi josie - had yours gone to nodes too? With having 4 fec does that mean a bigger dose or is it the same dose as peeps having 3 only over 4 sessions?? Just wondering…Jenny, you’re right, the fear of the unknown is scarey but once you get the first one you know what to expect and the nurses etc are great…mary x

Hi Jenny- you are certainly not lucky to have BC - it’s a bummer- but you ARE lucky to be being treated in one of the best cancer centres in the world.
Also ‘lucky’ in only having FEC- (and not the dread TAX!!) I know some folk are unwell with FEC but I really believe it is because they haven’t been prescribed the right anti- side effects drugs- which really are excellent. If they don’t work, you aren’t getting the right ones- ie the most expensive ones! so really SHOUT if you feel ill- there’s no virtue in being poorly!
'Fraid you are likely to lose your hair with FEC despite a few lucky people for whom the cold cap works: 9 months on I am still very thin in the hair department - I thought there was no ‘up’ side to losing it until this hot weather arrived- at least now I have a cool head!

Good luck with your treatment

Hi Jenny,

Sorry to hear you are having to start over again with treatment - it just seems to go on and on doesn’t it. I didn’t have FEC but one fairly similar ECF - the C is different. FEC has cyclophosphamide and ECF has Carboplatin. I agree with topsymo - if the anti-sick pills don’t work then tell them - they have loads of different ‘varieties’ and hopefully you will find one that works for you. I used the cold cap when I was on ECF and found my hair thinned but I kept a good covering. So if you feel strongly about wanting to keep your hair then give it a go. I am also treated at the Marsden and the IV unit/Medical Day unit is very good and the nurses there are so lovely. AND I think they are brilliant at putting the canula in. If you are really anxious about it ask if you can have ametop cream to numb the area - I found it made a lot of difference before I had my port. I often wonder when people here say they are treated at the Sutton Marsden, if I have bumped into them. I have been treated there now for nearly 20 years. I go every 3 weeks for my ‘fix’ and was there yesterday. It would be great if our days coincided and we could say hi. Are you under Steve Johnson’s team?


Thank you josie,topsymo and dawn
You are all making me feel so much better.

Dawn i am with steve johnson i saw him last week he is a lovely man.
Thanks for the tip about the cream its hard to believe that i have had 2 kids i am such a baby.Do you live local to sutton.
love jenny

Hi Jenny,

Yes Steve Johnson is lovely and so are most of his team. I am not that near Sutton - I live near Lingfield, Surrey. It’s a long story how I came to be treated at the Marsden but have been with them for nearly 20 years now.
