Well I turned up at hospital, and waited 6 hours in a freezing cold waiting room but did go through with it. They have chucked me out after 24 hours, can you believe it! I dont feel too bad, lots of pain relief and v wobbly. but cant look at chest. Think I will have to have a recon asap. ALthough met a lady in there whose daughter had a recon at another hosptial which had gone horribly wrong. Have to say the staff at Medway are terrific everyone has been so kind, and it was v clean and well organised. Have to wait for results until 17th so dont know what else theyre planning. I have spent more time in hospitals the last two months than in the last 60 years. Also the car parking charges for my other half while visiting were crippling. .
Welcome home horsemad, first hurdle ( oops!! ).
I spent 4 nights in hospital, splendid care and lots of radio 4. My recon is fab.go for it.
Just don’t get me on the subject of car parking charges.
OC x
Glad you are home, it must be a relief to get it over. Not all reconstructions go wrong, I got an infection four days after partial mastectomy surgery so any operation has some risks. Look after yourself and hope the horses are sorted.
Horsemad…i know it was difficult for you (an understatement!!), but well done for seeing it through,I hope to have the same strength next month, when i have my op.Please let us know how you get on? (and i have to say, 24 hours is no time at all…can’t believe they chucked you out so quickly either).I hope things go well for you xx
welcome home. Can’t believe you are out after 24 hours, hope you heal well and go from strength to strength. Well done for going through with it when I know you felt so frightened.
take care
Chris x
Hi Horsemad, just wondering how you’re doing??
Hi Horsemad
Glad to hear you were in and have come out the other side, Horsemad. (If it wasn’t for the disgrace of the carparking charges, I’d have said you’ve just had one of those ‘drive-thru’ mastectomies!)
When you do feel like peeking at your chest, you may be surprised at how neat and tidy it looks - I was with mine.
Rest, rest and then rest some more, won’t you?
Feel fairly bright today, have slept for England. Not much pain but taking tablets as a precaution! I couldnt believe they wanted me home so quick. I had the op at 1 p.m. and next morning at about 8 the Surgeon came round and said I could go home. Quite scared actually and resisted, but by the evening Im ashamed to say a new patient was driving the whole ward mental and I couldnt wait to get out. Drain fell out during the night so they couldnt really check that, so Im a bit wary at the mo. Hope I dont have to go back in. After all my panicking the whole experience was not as bad as I feared, except that I cant face looking at my chest. The nurse gave me a huge comfy pad which looks like the dome of St Pauls. I dont think Im going to cope with a false boob.
Actually while I was waiting to be anaesthetised the surgeon said I could still cancel the op if I felt I wanted recon at the same time, (they would have to book longer theatre hours) but Id got that far and couldnt face going through all the worry again.Next worry is results, they only took 3 nodes out so hope they dont find anything unexpected or I will have to go back again. So I can at last reassure someone else that the op is not too horrendous but still a work in progress
On a practical note many hospitals offer free parking for cancer patients. Mine does but I had to ask about it [nothings easy].
I wish you well
Horsemad, thanks for the update, glad to hear you’re more comfortable…hope things continue to go well, especially with the results xx
Well done Horsemad, you wre brave (as we all are, we deserve medals) and at least the cancer has gone. You can think abut looking at your chest and possible recon later, look after yourself xx
Hi Horsemad,
well done you on going through with it - dont worry about looking at it for now - you will when you are ready and I am sure like many of us. you will be pleasently surprised on how it looks.
Take care and keep resting
Clarabelle x
Just worrying now as to what will be revealed in the path results. Most of you on here seem to have been diagnosed with one thing then other things been found, so v scared.
two weeks to wait for results. I cannot believe i am a cancer patient, seeing it written on some hospital form made me really feel faint. It hasnt seemed real so far. Tweo months ago I was thinking how great I felt for my age and how lucky that Id never been ill. Now I feel Im paying for being complacent.
sorry wrong post
Having been chucked out of hospital 24hrs after op I have been reading some old posts on this category and seems quite rare. As said previously my drain became disconnected sometime unkniown to me so was not draining, but they still didnt seem bothered. At the present quite swollen under arm and sore but doesnt feel as if infected or hard so hope this is ok. BC nurse said to keep dressings dry for 7 days and see my practice nurse if I didnt want to redress myself! Itll take me 3 days to get an appointment. Also didnt see physio just given leaflet about exercises, and bc nurse gave me a comfy but just told me to adjust stuffing if it was too big. COuldnt wait to get rid of me but I feel as I was a good patient, didnt ask for anything, only had one cup of tea in 24 hours ! Other beds were filled as soon as someone was discharged so pressure on beds, but I know from having worked at the hospital for many years that they have problems with having to readadmit patients because they discharge them too early. Pre op care was good but aftercare seems lacking
…to say the least!! I would phone your doctor and demand an urgent, same day appointment with the practice nurse,theycannot refuse you that.And you need to be checked over. I’m really glad you sound so much chirpier and things seem to be healing well,but i’m really gald i’m not going to your hospital!! Take care xx
Horsemad, having BC isn’t a punishment for feeling happy that you were healthy before. Two weeks is a long time to wait for reults, I found the period between surgery and path results the worst time (2 weeks 2 days in my case.) Your GP is responsible for your care so you can always make an emergency appt with him/her, and ring your BC nurse if you have any worries - that is a big part of what they are paid for, aftercare for post-operative patients. Aftercare here is rubbish too, you have to be assertive about getting care for yourself and don’t feel guilty for expecting it. xx
Hi, I’m a newbie. I’ve just - 2 days ago - been diagnosed with Grade 2 Breast Cancer, so am still in a bit of a tizz - to say the least! Are you allowed to say which hospitals you are all attending? Don’t know if reading these messages is doing me good or bad. Just plain terrified of having mastectomy and recon in the very near future.
…I am being treed at The Royal United Hospital in Bath, lovely surgeon called Mr Richard Sutton.He really seems to care about me being a whole person, not just someone who has cancer.Lovely man,