I’m 21 years old and about 2 weeks ago felt what i think is a hard painless lump just below my armpit to the side of my breast. I monitored it for 2 weeks then made a doctors appointment which was earlier this morning. My family has no history of breast cancer and i know due to my age, this fact and just the general percentage of breat lumps being nothing dangerous, i was very unlikely to be diagnosed with anything scary.
So, i’ve just come back from my doctors appointment and now can’t stop crying. The doctor has said it is just a cyst very small 2-3mm and very moveable. The thing is of course i am veryhappy about this but to me (and i realise i am not medically trained) the cyst feels hard and non-moveable and certainly bigger than 2mm. She asked me questions like when my period was due, i am on now and she said something cysts disappear when you’re on your period but this one hasnt. The thing is this doctor didnt fill me with a lot of confidence. At first she had a very gentle feel and told me all it was, was my breast tissue- so i had to redirect her and urge her to feel again. She has referred me to a non urgent breast clinic at the local hopsital for about 6-8 weeks time (which if it is a cyst hopefully willl be gone by then.)
The thing is now i don’t know why im crying, and feel really low. I don’t know whether im just feeling sorry for myself for having a cyst in my armpit as well as having to deal with a recurrent bartholins cyst at the age of 21, or its just relief coming out in the form of tears haha.
I’m a worrier by nature and just dont feel as though this doctor has filled me with confidence and still feel as though i will be slightly on edge about this lump until my appointment at the hospital. My logical side says i need to stop being pathetic and i know she is right and it is jjust a measley cyst but still i worry.
Sorry to ramble! Have no one else to talk to about it and just needed to vent.
I’m sorry to read that you are having a pretty tough time at the moment. I’m sure the users of this site will be along to support you soon.
In the meantime maybe you would like to talk to a member of our helpline staff who are there to offer emotional support as well as practical information. The free phone number is 0808 800 6000 and the lines are open Monday to Friday 9.00 to 5.00pm and Saturday 10.00 to 2.00pm.
Hi don’t panic it is probably a cyst, I am riddled with them and have had several drained. Once drained they do fill up again so I stopped putting myself through getting them sorted. I beg to differ about them going when on your period, mine were there all the time. Cysts do move but I think only a doctor would be able to tell the difference. BC is less likely at your age please try to see the positive side and not to worry too much x
Hi Sarah, I would only like to add that although your doctor is probably right if you aren’t happy with what you have been told you are entitled to ask for a second opinion. Go and see another gp, and take someone with you if you feel unable to stand up for yourself. In my experience GPs don’t take any chances, regardless of age and will refer you to a breast clinic if they think you should be checked out. if you are still worried I recommend calling the BCC helpline, they are fantastic and will listen to you and guide you in the right direction. Good luck.
I had cysts at 15 and now (22) I have fibroadenomas. Both are terrifying to find I know but if your doctor has refered you with a 6-8 week wait, that is a good sign, it means that while they want you to get fully checked out they aren’t unduly worried, otherwise they would have put you for an emergency appointment (I’ve been on the receiving end of one of those, it’s not nice!).
I also have to agree with Carrie, having cysts drained is more hassle than it’s worth, it’s painful and you are more at risk of getting an infection because you have a needle hole. My GP told me that even at this point our hormones are still going wild, eventually they calm down and you’ll find fewer changes in your breasts.
I’m a worrier too but stressing yourself out will only make you feel ill(and messes with your hormones so the cysts can get bigger), chocolate is the key at this point, everyone’s favourite guys Ben and Jerry, and your best friends xxx