I found a lump



I am brand new to here. 


I am 30 years old and found a lump in my right breast on Friday. I made a visit to my GP on Monday who was excellent and very reassuring. However, obviously I had no diagnosis and I have my first appointment at a breast clinic next Thursday. 


I am so scared…:-( 

It’s all that is in my mind. I have been sat at my desk in work since 9am this morning and havent done a single thing as I can’t concentrate. 


I have done nothing since Friday but look up Breast Cancer related information - I feel as though I have already been diagnosed even though I haven’t. 

I have a husband and 2 children. My husband has been great but he is not a great talker, especially since him mother died of cancer when he was a child. 

I am not too sure what to expect when I go to the clinic, I’m not sure on what else the lump could be or weather I’m now imagining other symptoms that simply aren’t there!

I’m really quite scared and confused by the whole thing. 

Hello there Mole,


Ok, firstly, everything you are feeling is quite understandable and normal, I’ve been on this forum for 10 months now and anybody waiting for their breast clinic appointment says very similar things; fear, lack of concentration, a roller coaster of emotions, certain they already have bc, ‘feeling’ new symptoms, obsessive googling of things related to bc.


Now, tackling once thing at a time - a large majority of breast lumps that people are referred for are benign, especially for women of your age group. It is a ‘breast clinic’ and not a ‘cancer clinic’, they deal with all sorts of symptoms and problems…and yes of course they want to rule out breast cancer or find it quickly, as it is then far more effectively treatable. So, you’ve done absolutely the right thing in being aware, and seeing your GP and getting referred. Unfortunately, it is very human reaction to try and want to fill the void of ‘not knowing’ what the problem is by searching for anything you can on the internet. I can tell you now, you will not find the answer there, you will scare yourself silly, find evidence to prove that you DO or DON’T have BC and your thoughts will continue to be a rollercoaster. The only place there is an answer is at the breast clinic, as hard as that it is to get through the waiting.The waiting is agony, we know, we’ve all done it.


At the breast clinic (it depends if you have a one stop clinic where everything can be done in one visit) you will probably see a bc specialist who will firstly go a manual examination. You will be asked to describe what you see/feel yourself. Then you will likely have a mammogram, and/or ultrasound scan to determine some more details about the anomally that you have been referred for. If at this point the skilled radiographer and consultant are still not certain that it is a benign condition (it may be obvious e.g. a fluid filled cyst), then a needle biopsy may be taken to determine the types of cells in the lump. It could be that at any point during this process that they are certain it is benign and checks end there, however, even if a biopsy is required it still doesn’t mean it is definitely bc. They are very thorough and if they can’t be 100 percent certain of the cause of the lump, then they will get a biopsy done. If you are at a clinic that isn’t a ‘one stop clinic’ then this process could all take a little longer.


if a biospy is done then you could have a wait of up to two weeks for the results, sadly, yet again more emotionally painful waiting. Please can I reassure you though, and all the women on here are testament to the fact, that even IF you were one of the unluckly 1 in 8 women who develops breast cancer at some point in her life, then an individual treatment plan ensures that the vast majority of women come very successfully out of the other side of this turbulent experience. (just as we have) The thought of the ‘C’ word is terrifying, I know this, but things are not as they were when your husband’s mother died when he was young, treatments have changed SO much!


I think I have answered most things you raised, but ask away if I’ve missed anything and I’m sure others will be along to help you out soon as well.



Hi Mole,

I’m also new to this. I’ve got my first appointment at a one stop clinic tomorrow. I’m scared too and imagining every twinge or itch is something sinister! 

I have kept away from Google and have found support and information amazing on here. Use the knowledge of these wonderful women to help and guide you. 

Most lumps aren’t cancer so lets hope ours aren’t too.


Take care xx

Hi there ladies,
I am also new to this…I have been in here reading the forum and taking advice for about 3 weeks now, but this is the first time I have commented. I found a lump just after Christmas but ignored it until I went to visit my GP last week. She asked to examine me and found the lump without guidance from me. I have also been referred for screening and my appointment is tomorrow afternoon. I have managed to forget about all this for the last few days as I have been in agony with my back…tonight thought the anxiety is creeping in. Wishing all of you good news at your appointments x x

Hi there,
Thank you for the support:) I had my Breast clinic appointment today and all went well. The consultant could feel the lump but nothing showed on the ultrasound. She has asked me to return to Breast clinic in 6 weeks time and to keep an eye on the lump during this time. She was lovely :slight_smile: she was more concerned about my back (as I’m barely able to walk at the minute) and asked me lots of questions about it. I am now going to my GP as she advised. Wow, what a day! I hope that everyone who has had an appointment today has had a good outcome and that you are all feeling ok x x x love to all

Thank you Charys. X x x ?

Hi I’m 27 and recently found a small hard non moving pea sized lump just next to my nipple noticed something was odd in shower skin next to my nipple looked dented in then found the lump, I’m really nervous, rather just know does it sound good or bad :confused: new on here not sure if I’m writing in correct place any advice of anyone would be grateful x

Hi ladies.


Im 22. I got a nipple ring (I lost a bet just so you know) end of last year.

I took it out after 3 months, it has been out for almost 6months now.


I’ve noticed the nipple being inverted now and there’s a big’ish lump underneath my nipple.

Can this be a result of the nipple ring I had perhaps? Because it only happened after I took it out.

My nipple was perfect before.

I have cancer in my family… Should I be worried or not? =(


hi Neila,
As you say, it’s most likely to be nothing serious, but any breast change should be checked out, so see what your GP says about it.
Your GP may refer you to the breast clinic to get it properly looked at, but don’t read anything into this if you are refered, as this is normal practice.
ann x