I am 41 and have had several lumps in my breasts previously. The first cyst I had drained at only 16 years old and have continued to have problems throughout my life with small cysts which usually disappear. I had bleeding from my nipple 8 years ago when I was pregnant and did not breast feed due to problems at the time with my breast. I continually had leakage from that nipple for a year afterwards which I was offered an op to close ducts but I persevered and it stopped. I became aware of a thickening in the same breast a few months ago but I put off going to my gp as i thought it may just go away as lumps previously have. I have now been to my gp but I was still not concerned however he then made me concerned. He said he felt I should be concerned and started talking about cancer to me. Well I think I switched off! I said to him I was not concerned as I had many lumps previosly but he kept saying I should be concerned! So I have been referred to the breast clinic. Usually I see the dr at the clinic first but this time I am being sent for a mamogram first. It is getting larger and I can feel little lumps within the area. The area is now quite tender and yesterday was throbbing all day and the area was red. My mum and I are currently caring for my gran who is terminally ill with ovarian cancer and does not have long left. It is something we could all do without at the minute. I am dreading going to the clinic as I am now concerned. We are also traveeling up tom Scotland the same day as my hospital appointment as my brother is getting married on New years eve and gran is going into the hospice to allow us to go. There i sjust so much going on at the minute for us all. I need to stay positive for all of us at the minute but naturally worrying! Think I just needed to get it off my chest. My hubby is weepy over it all as is my 8 year old as she is convinced I have cancer and I am going to die like her gran!
Hi Cally, sorry you are going through a difficult time with your own breast issues and your gran’s illness. It may be unusual for you to have a mammogram before seeing the doctor at the clinic but I think they will want to have something to look at first rather than just examining the breast. It is worrying to be referred to the clinic but try to take one day at a time. I hope all goes well with your brother’s wedding.