I have found lumps in breast and one under arm!

Has anyone else had these symptoms? I have a large solid lumpy area in my left breast at the side of breast nearest to armpit with a smaller harder lump at the bottom of my breast and I can feel one single small lump under my arm. Sometimes the breast is tender. The left breast is larger than the other and there is some dimpling when I lift my arm.
I am so scared. Its been like this for about 3 months or more. I did see GP today and I have been referred for tests at hospital. GP said it will be within two weeks.
I really cant stop looking up websites and mind is all over the place.

I am 47 and I am going through the menopause - have been since age 41.


Hi Dawn

I am so sorry that you have found these lumps. It is very frightening to think you may have breast cancer. You have done the right thing in seeing your GP. Tests will show whether or not these lumps are cancerous. I just wanted to say that the fear and not knowing is the worst experience - much worse than the actual diagnosis of cancer. If you are diagnosed there is a certain relief that comes with knowing what the situation is and how it can be treated. You will get loads of support here should you need it. Fingers crossed that these lumps are something else. Good luck.


Hi Dawn,

The waiting time is horrible. It’s best not to google too much as you really don’t know whether you have cancer or not - and fingers crossed you have not. But even if you do, there are all sorts of types and grades etc, so everyone will have a different treatment plan.
In the meantime, try to keep busy and plan some fun activities to stop yourself from worrying.

Thinking of you. Stella

Hi Dawnm3

Welcome to the Breast Cancer Care discussion forums, where I’m sure you’ll get lots of good support.

I have put for you below the link to one of BCC’s publications
‘Referral to a breast clinic’, which I hope you find useful before your hospital appointment.


Take care,
Jo, Facilitator

Hi Dawn,
Sorry you are having such time a worrying time. Lumps do not necessarily have to be bc. I had thickened areas and lumps which turned out to be cysts over a period of years and all of these turned out to be benign. It is still way better that you check these out just in case there is something that you need to treat.

I hope that this proves to be a false alarm xx

Hi Dawn.

You’ve done the right thing in going to your GP, and try not to worry too much in your wait. Also don’t worry if you get an appointment in much less than two weeks, as that’s just them being efficient rather than them being really worried. 9 out of 10 problems that are referred to breast clinics turn out to be benign.

We have all been where you are, we know what you’re going through, and we completely sympathise.

It’s also well worthwhile reading the leaflet Jo BCC pointed you at, and some of the other leaflets in that section might be informative without being terrifying. Don’t go mad on google, there are a lot of sites that have very out-of-date information or stuff that just doesn’t refer to the UK.

If you are worried or want to ask things, come back to the forums and ask. THERE’S NO SUCH THING AS A SILLY QUESTION. Honest. We’ve all asked what seems like stupid nonsense and it’s fine. Ask away.

Best of luck, well done for contacting your GP, and please come and tell us your good news.

Thanks to you all for your comments and support - I really needed someone who undestands my worries. You will know what I mean when I say I am surrounded by family but alone.

Thak you and I will let you know how I get on.

