I have it now in my spine.

Hi everyone I have not been on here in some time. I was diagnoised when I was 24 in September 2005 I had a mastectomy and reconstruction 4 lymph nodes were affected, I had chemo, Radio Herceptin and am still on Tamoxifen. I have been having pain in the right side of my neck for nearly 12 months now my breast care nurse finally did a xray that showed up there was thining in the bone but she said this was very common and not to worry. I then asked my bc nurse to let me have a biopsy of the lump she did not want to do it and said it is just a inflamed lymph node and and she said she has teh same and i should just live with it.
To cut this long story short I decided to have a MRI scan done and saw a surgeon privatly I had this done just befor xmas.
I was otld by him today that I had cancer in the spine at C4 and taht I would need treatment and then surgery that is all he said. He said he would speak to my old oncolagist and see what to do next.
A few questions does anyone else have it in the spine and it is contained? if so what surgery do they do and what treatment will I have???
ALso is normal to always be in so much pain I can never sleep and once my head touches the pillow I cant move it. I have started losing weight aswell and also getting pains in my head does anyone else have this?
also What do I have is it secondary breast cancer or a local reacurrence, and aloso I am guessing they can never cure it even if they operated is this true???
I am so sorry for going on and on but I am now so worried teh first time round I was so possitive but I done think I can go through it all again.
Love Clairemm x x

Dear Claire
If you would like to give the helpline a ring and have a chat with one of our specialist nurses they will be able to offer you information and can support you with this. The lines are open Mon to Fri 9am - 5pm and Saturdays 9am - 2pm on 0808 800 6000

Best wishes

Hi Claire,
I am not much use with advice on this, but just wanted to send you a big hug and say that I will be thinking of you. A lot has changed even over the last few years so more treatments are always becoming available. I think the ladies on the secondary thread will have all the information you are asking for so might be an idea to post there.
Lily x