My oncology appt went well. I have been told im having FEC/T 3xFEC 3xTaxotere (docetaxol). Then 3weeks rads and 5yrs of tamoxifen tablets. Chemo will prob start in couple of weeks time will get date through the post.
As for my backpain, she said there is no evidence of vascular involvement so its very unlikely my backpain is related…phew but she is requesting a bone scan to put my mind at rest.
I was remarkably calm through most of this and asked loads of questions i had prepared. I got a bit choked when she gave me the stats, they were good 90% after all treatment but i think it just brings it home how serious it all is when they talk about your chances of being around in 10 years.
That’s great news Clare - well, as great as it can be if you have to have this treatment. I really hope all goes well for you with chemo and rads, that your se’s a re little ones, and that you feel more confidnet as you move forward.
Being given survival stats is a weird thing - my consultants don’t seem to offer them (or didn’t to me anyway) but yours at 90% chance of being here and being well in 10 years… that’s pretty good to my mind.
Have a good weekend now and enjoy a few yummy meals and treats to celebrate
Hi Clare, glad it went well and hope the se’s are kept to a minimum. Got mine next tuesday and was trying to think of suitable questions that don’t make me sound like a numpty, then after coming up with zip, I thought I’m just going to rock up and do as I’m told, think I’m still a bit lost in all this!!!
Hope you have a great weekend, loving that 90%, surely deserves a trip to BK xxx Simone
elttiks - Yes, they are allowed to give you the stats if you want to know them. It can be especially useful if you are unsure about the benefits of any treatment. Part of me wishes I hadn’t asked for mine because the five year survival figure was rather cr*p, but then again I guess I’d prefer to know what the odds are.
Clare - great news that you now have a plan in place. I know that although I was dreading all the side effects of chemo/rads etc I did feel better knowing they were going to throw everything at it. The 90% figure is pretty good, I’m so pleased for you!
I hope the treatment goes well and don’t forget - we are here to help.
Same treatment plan as I was given (just finished the rads) and a similar prognosis. I was v happy with 88% - I drive cars, ride horses and don’t always look before I cross the road, so my take was that even without BC I probably only have an 88% chance of being here in 10yrs!
Nymeria… sorry, that’s the pits, but as I’m sure you know you aren’t defined by those stats… even if they are cr*p someone has to be in the good part of the stats, so why not you? Also, as the Cancer Research UK website points out, all stats are based on people diagnosed and treated at least a decade ago and treamtent has moved on since then. I looked mine up on there and sometimes they bother me as they’re “not great” (not cr*p though) but mostly I just get on with life.
So, yes, anyone can get stats if they wish too, just that you need to treat them with caution. My surgeon told me on day one “I don’t do stats” and I’m happy with that.
Good news, Clare, throw everything at the b*****!
And stats are the only way to help you make choices, then after that remember we are not numbers or statistics but human individuals.
Love and hope to you and to Nymeria and to Simonwithane
Good news that you have a plan for your treatment. It’s reassuring isn’t it?
When I was given my stats (87%) it was explained to me that it indicated the likelihood of surviving breast cancer for the next 10 years. They don’t monitor it after that and basically we just have the same chances of everything as everyone else.
Seems good to me. I’ll be 67 then - I should live so long!
Good luck with your treatment.
Had quite a funny experience when my oncologist was working out my survival statistics. She typed in all the info and then looked very perplexed as although my tumour had been small it seemed that my ten year survival figure was much lower than expected. Thankfully she spotted that she had input my age at the time as 88 rather than my actual age of 48. With the correct info input I was relieved to see a marked increase in my chances!