I have two lumps both grade three

Hi this is my first post I was told on Friday 25/4/14 that the two lumps that where found are grade three one is 1.5cm the other is 1.8cm both close together Monday 28/4 i had sentinel node biopsy to see if it has spread to lymph nodes I have to go back on the 12/5 when we will discuss which treatment I will need. I feel quite positive as my mum had breast cancer 15 years ago and is still going strong at 82 years old she has always been a great inspiration to me especially now. My main stress at the moment is my partner Ged who is type1 diabetic with a few other problem’s he was kept in hospital on Friday he has got a mystery infection and they are still trying find out what is causing it he feels really bad that he is not here for me I keep telling him to get better as i will need him more in a few weeks to top that off I had just handed in my notice with my job as I had managed to get a managers job in a new shop who now say’s I am no longer suitable so i am now jobless to I am going to see CAB to see where I stand. Feel like I have just been ranting but it does feel better writing it all down.

Hi Maria


So sorry that you’ve had to join the club nobody wants to belong to, but this is a great place for support and information.


Hopefully, once you have your results on 12th May and have a treatment plan in place, it will give you something positive to focus on and help you feel more in control - the waiting and the unkown are the worst bits.


As for your job, that is totally apalling behaviour from your new employer and absolutely makes my blood boil! A diagnosis of cancer covers you under the Disability Act so you may well have a case to put to a tribunal. One word of caution about CAB, they don’t always give the correct advice so don’t take what they say as gospel. I was sacked the day after anouncing my pregnancy and was told by CAB that as I’d been there less than two years, there was nothing I could do. But I looked into it further and had legal cover on our house contents insurance and this included employment disputes. 6 months later (with a three week old baby in tow) I attended an industrial tribunal and was awarded three years salary as compensation. Make sure you keep any letters and make a note of any phone calls and conversations had. I am quite sure that they cannot sack you because of cancer.


Lu xx

Hi Maria and welcome to the BCC forums

It does sound as though you have a lot to deal with right now, along with the support here please feel free to all our helpliners to talk your concerns through, lines are open during the week 9-5 and Saturdays 10-2 on 0808 800 6000

This link will take you to the BCC ‘I’m just diagnosed’ pages where you will find more support ideas and lots on information which I hope you will find helpful:


Take care
Lucy BCC

I wasn’t really sacked as i wasn’t due to start till Monday and couldn’t as I was having my biopsy so i never actually started I don’t think there is anything I can do.

No I had nothing in writing it was only a small shop just opening so probably not even worth trying don’t think I can even be bothered more important things to think about

Been to the hospital to visit Ged he seems a lot better and he is eating so hopefully he will be home soon and I will have to find something else to keep me busy till I get my results.