I’m new!

Hello, I’m starting chemo on the 29th. Paclataxel.  I’m also 74.  Does it affect older people more or less?  How quickly do you start to feel the effects of the drugs?  I’ll be weekly for 12 weeks.


Hi jadaf - first of all a big hug and welcome to this lovely forum, though of course I’m sorry you find yourself here. I hope you will find lots of advice and support on here, and please feel free to ask anything at all, about treatment or about finding your way around this forum. Or sometimes you may just want a safe place to offload and share your thoughts. You will never be judged, no question is too big or too small.

As you are starting chemo on 29 March you might want to join the March 2021 chemo starters group, here is the link to it. You might also want to join the April group when that one starts, you can join both if you prefer as you will straddle both months. You can then compare notes with others at the same stage.


I had a different set of chemo drugs to you so I can’t comment on your specific one. I had 2 other drugs, each every 3 weeks. The first one took about 3 days for me to feel the side effects, but the second drug hit me within about an hour. However, everyone reacts differently to the drugs, so I hope chemo will be kind to you. I think the weekly one you will be having is supposed to be gentler, not any less effective I don’t mean, but sort of a case of little and often rather than one big hit - I had mine every 3 weeks.

I am very happy to try to answer any more questions you have, so please feel free to ask anything. My very best wishes, Evie xx

Hi Jadaf, I hope your first session goes well. I start the day after you, on Tuesday.

There are a few of us starting this month, on the March 2021 thread so please do join us, to share advice, support and understanding.

Best wishes 
