i need info from people who've been there!

My Mum recently finished Radiotherapy for Stage 1 breast cancer. we’re still waiting for her all clear to come back at the end of May.
i was just wondering, has anyone on here, who has had breast cancer, had any side effects? My Mum is currently suffering from really sore armpits. she says its a burning hot sensation constantly, and whenever she moves her arms its a stabbing, peircing sensation. she’s also had a very sore and red/inflamed throat since the RT finished.
Also, My nan is currently bed bound from 7 types or terminal cancer, breast being the one that was found first. I’m worried that it could be a gene defect. Could this happen to my Mum?
please help, and thanks in advance.

Dear StarrCarder

Welcome to the BCC forum where I’m sure you’ll find lots of support and onformation from other members.

You might also find it helpful to talk things over with someone on our Helpline. They are open from 9-5 on weekadays and 10-2 on Saturdays. 0808 800 6000. They will be able to offer you lots of practical information and emotional support.

Very best wishes


BCC Moderator

Firstly don’t panic, all cancers are different and your mum has been found really early. It is common with radiotherapy to suffer some side effects but you should raise this with the radiotherapy team to see if they can help. As she finished radiotherapy things will improve but she could be tired for many weeks after treatment has finished. Once this passes she will be back to her normal self. She is very much on the way to recovery at the moment and things will definitely get better physically and emotionally. If you still have concerns ring the breast care bourse and the oncologist and see what they can do for her.