Anyone looking for a temporary dye without all the chemicals, try Herbatint Reflex. I used it and it was great for me and then after about a year I switched to their permanent dye. The only thing I found was that they tend to come out a bit darker especially the permanent ones than they look on the picture - at least on my hair:
When I have enough hair I am going to run (yup literally!!) to my nearest Aveda salon as their products don’t contain any nasties. I already use the skincare and bodycare and they are brill and smell divine. I believe their permanent hair colours are 97% natural and their semi permanent ones are 100% natural - fab colours too!!
Nicki x
Smoking, I like that, you made me laugh, thanks for that lol!
Great advice thanks everyone.
I keep thinking of a singer from my younger days called Yaz. Can anyone remember her ( the only way Is up) well I loved her colour but never had the guts to do it!!
I remember Yaz and actually heard it again the other day - talk about taking you back in time. Can’t really remember her hair except that it was very unusual for the time.
Aveda products - thanks for posting that. I didn’t know about those and although I can’t afford to get it done in the hair salon right now it’s good to know that is an option for the future. I presuming they don’t actually sell the hair dye to use at home?
I think all permanent dyes have the chemical PPD to enable them to last. But things like Herbatint and I think Aveda have few other chemicals and I can’t understand why more dyes aren’t made that way.
Hi, followed this thread over the weekend and while away for a few days in blackpool went to holland and barrett. Bought some nutratint and pjt it on this morning. I bought hazelnut blonde as i thought too dark wouldnt look right in me. It now looks browny blonde instead of grey. Result!!! I had my last chemo on oct 27th.
I went ouf when id done it with nothing on my head. I hated it but would have NEVER gone out if i hadnt gone for it. Thd hairdye was great. Go for it xx
Nice to see its working for some of you ladies (the hair colour).
I spoke to my hairdresser today and am going for first cut on Sat!1 Cant wait. Mine too is grey very dissapointed but she said it will colour because they use organics products.She also said it might be the first hair that grows will be grey (Chemo Hair) and then in a few months it could change. i have always had it coloured with this range as there are no nasties in.
Well I waited for 4and1/2 months after chemo, it was the week between Christmas and new year and after making my boss wet herself when I said that i thought i looked like Roy Croppers mother (not a good look at 37)I thought right not starting the new year like this… I am now back to my divina look of Morello cherry thanks to Nutrise… as I said at the time well the worst that can happen is it all falls out again…