I *really* want to dye my hair!! REALLY.

I’m 4 months past chemo and I’m desperate to be able to homedye my hair a slightly darker colour. At the moment I do have good coverage now, gone for the Emma Watson Pixie Cut thing as it’s the best of a bad job (not one of these that suits short hair)
I’ve got a good smattering of greys and my hair is very mousy.
I’ve been feeling a bit cr*p about my personal image as I just don’t relate with the new me really. I’m not at all vain and never have been but everyone has their own style.

I do really want darker hair. Do these herbal dyes work? I’m scared of using a chemical dye, I just don’t want to risk it now I’ve actually GOT some hair! But I do wonder if something natural will make a difference to my rubbish hair.

Anyone any tips please? Thanks xxx

I’ve risked using some Loreal Nutrisummer gradual tan and I’ve not reacted badly to that, so I’m looking a bit more glowing now.
And I’m dying my eyelashes tomorrow, seeing as mascara still looks a bit odd as my lashes are still quite short.
I’ve dyed them before and there were no probs.

I just want to make myself feel a bit better. I bought a new underwear set from George at Asda the other day, girly pink with black spots and lace, bra and shortie knicks. That felt very nice, I’d not bought new underwear set since christmas last year, before diag. Everything I’ve been wearing since has been either M&S Support Bras with no wires, grannified, or Sloggi Cotton Bras.

Hi Kat,

I used the cold cap so had some of my ‘old hair’ left but have been dying both my new and old hair since a month after finishing chemo at the end of Sept. I used Herbatint at home, but then have gone to the hairdressers and gone a deep red (very seasonal! And different as I used to be blonde). My hair is growing fast and looks much healthier and shinier dyed.

But that’s just my experience! I was prepared to take the risk (still not sure what I was risking though! Having it all fall out…?!) and know there are other ladies on here who’ve bitten the bullet and dyed their hair…


I’ve dyed mine although I went to a salon to have it done and it was fine. I finished chemo in August and dyed it about 3 - 4 weeks ago cos I couldn’t stand it anymore. Go for it! X

I tried an organic hair dye but it left my hair looking flat with no shine at all and the colour wasn’t great.
Last week I used a “normal” dye with amonia and it was fine. I finished chemo in July and was not liking the greyness!
Good luck x

Hi Kat, the day after my last radiotherapy I dyed mine. It grew back curly and as grey as a badgers arse! I looked 20 years older! So, off down to Boots & bought their own brand. For once in my life I did a patch test, it was fine so the next morning it was a lovely brown colour. Good luck!xx

I am 6 weeks past last chemo with a short short hair it is very grey
Do you think i could dye it?? Please help

Silver x

Erm, no.

I coloured mine six weeks after end of chemo with Naturtint after a strand tests was ok.

I asked my BCN how soon I would be able to dye my hair, and the answer was: when it’s long enough providing you use a non chemical dye.

Google “Daniel Field organic mineral hair colour”, he does a gentle veg hair dye.

I waited till 3 months past last chemo and then went to the salon and got it dyed. Don’t regret it and am thrilled with the condition and colour! Still a bit short but hey…its hair!!

Good luck with whatever you decide to do.


hi all

what a great subject! thought we all had to go around looking “like a badgers’ ar*s” lol

Is it advisable to get my hair dyed after one session of RT? , my hair is coming back thick but is still quite short and flecked with grey. My OH says I look distinguished,( thought only men looked like that!).

would love to get started.




I’m sure the bcc publication says wait 3 to 6 months after chemo. I waited 3 but didn’t have much more than spikes short hair. I desperately wanted to brighten myself up for my 40th and had a ‘shoe shine’ of bleach just on the very tips of my hair. I finished chemo in June and had a high lift tint in December. Big mistake as it was Myra Hindley yellow. Have since used wella semi colours with 4% developer and am now a nice brown colour with a warm tone. I haven’t had any advers effects.
I’d say go for it El Kat!

Thanks for advice everyone. Will google too. Distinguished lol that’s what I was told too. But I not Richard Gear I thought now he looks good with my colour!

Where can I find good vegetable based hair dyes, just in case I do keep my hair??

goodness me i dyed my hair 6 weeks after finishing chemo…plum in the castings range…its lovely.

used to be a bleach blonde, havent the bottle (LOL) o do that but i know someone who did and it turned out fine.


I went to my local hair salon for my first colour as I hated the grey look! They’d had experience of other post chemo women and boy I felt better to have a colour put back in. They used something gentle and I was fine.

Twinky x

Think I need to trot back to the guilty bench quick smart. I was lucky to get straight dark brown hair back again, with no more greys than I had before it all dropped out. No sign of a curl even 6 months after the end of chemo.

But even with my hair looking familiar (if a LOT shorter) I still don’t like catching sight of myself in the mirror, particularly when it does that standing up thing if I happen to have run my fingers through it recently. It must be loads worse to catch yourself in the mirror with the “wrong” hair on your head.

I hope you all find a colour you like.

I need something as it’s my birthday next month and I am going back to work too.

Dear Silverjill, Who in their right mind wants to look distinguished! Returning to work and celebrating your birthday means that you should look smokin’ hot!!!